Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
July 24, 2009, 08:48:12 AM
Last Updated
September 06, 2015, 11:59:53 AM

Event Registration Mod v0.19

Allow members to register and confirm for calendar events.
Compatible With 1.1.10, 1.1.14, 1.1.15, 1.1.16, 1.1.21, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.10
Latest version v0.19
Downloads 5,760
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 77
License (View License)
Demo and example usage by an actual community can be found here: Canasta Club

Latest Updates (.19):
- Rewrote signups sorting mechanism to address some users seeing reversed sorting.
- Date/Time of signup/confirmation on the list.
- Disabled HTML from being input in signup names/comments.
- Fixed error/notices coming from enabling sorting of registrations.
- Fixed sorting of confirmed registrations going in the wrong order (early confirmations should be first, not last).
- Added "Waitlisted" header to waitlist to be more clear.
- Fixed broken html and some general notice/errors from SMF1 to SMF2 port.
- Changed default event options to no attendees (disabled event registration), allowing guests, and allowing comments.
- Reworded some options (Days Before Event, Batch Signups) to be more easily understood.

The mod is now also available on SMF2! Special thanks to floomp for basically porting the whole thing. :D

Original Mod by Tyrsson and kripz
-  Creating a calendar event will allow you to register for this event.
-  A max number of attendants can be specified when creating the event, each person registered after the max number has a +n to note that they are on the waiting list.
-  7 Days (customizable) before the event date you will be allowed to confirm for the event.
-  4 Days (customizable) before the event the list is sorted with confirmed attendants appearing first.
-  On the day of the event (customizable), registrations are closed.
-  You can unregister at any time.

Added features by pftq:
- Allow multiple registrations from the same member, to allow them to sign additional people up.  Optional per event.
- Allow registrations from guests.  Optional per event.
- Allow comments to accompany signups (for additional information such as event needs, etc).
- Admin Register button added, allows you to register or delete other members from the event.
- Admin buttons always visible now, even if Admin isn't registered for the event.
- Allow members with moderating permissions to administrate event sign ups.
- Event administrator can also confirm or cancel any signups on the topic view.
- $timeleft fixed, was originally not ever getting the option to confirm. (Display Source and Template)
- Show number of days remaining before you can confirm. (Display Template and Language files)
- Setting days before confirmation to 0 disables confirmation for the event (hides confirm buttons).
- Setting max attendants to 0 will disable registration for that event (not every event needs signups).
- Post Event page (the one with just event title, no post) does not show event data; sometimes too much clutter when you might not want to link the event to a topic. (Calendar template)
- Event registration options on post event page combined on same lines to save space. (Post template)
- Terms and Conditions don't show if they are blank. (registerEvent.php)


20150818: .18, pftq
- Simple update to include date/time of signup or confirmation on the signup list.

20120125: .175BETA, pftq
- Disabled HTML from being input in signup names/comments.
- floomp: Ported to SMF 2.0.1

20110405: .174BETA, pftq
- Fixed errors showing up in Admin Log for signups to events without comments.  Thanks oridyne

20110326: .174BETA, pftq
- Added comments to accompany signups (for additional information such as event needs, etc).
- Fixed Admin Register page allowing members to get signed up twice unintentionally.

20110110: .173BETA, pftq
- Modifying other people's events will let you edit the post and event registration as well.  This is actually an SMF bug but it doesn't hurt to patch it up while it hasn't been fixed yet (SMF later fixing this won't break it).
- Setting max attendants to 0 will disable registration for that event (not every event needs signups).

20110108: .172BETA, pftq
- Updated admin register page to use member realName (display names) like the rest of SMF.

20110106: .172BETA, pftq
- Fixed terms and conditions, forgot to update after implementing guest/multiple registrations.

20110105: .172BETA, pftq
- Allow multiple registrations from the same member, to allow them to sign additional people up.  Optional per event.
- Allow registrations from guests.  Optional per event.
- Allow signups to be confirmed or cancelled from administrative view.
- Allow members with moderating permissions to administrate event sign ups.
- Added permissions check within the Registration script incase of security hole.
- Setting days before confirmation to 0 disables confirmation for the event (hides confirm buttons).
- Event registration options on post event page combined on same lines to save space.

20110104: .171BETA, pftq
- Uploaded correct version of mod; previously the mod did not work because of wrong version uploaded.
- Renamed version to .171BETA to avoid confusing myself.

20100710: .17BETA, pftq
- Post Event page (the one with just event title, no post) does not show event data; sometimes too much clutter when you might not want to link the event to a topic.

20091229: .17BETA, pftq
- Admin Register button added that allows the admin to register or delete other members from the event.  Feature borrows code from the SMF Notify Group mod.
- Admin buttons always visible now, even if Admin isn't registered for the event.

20091228: .17BETA, pftq
- Terms and Conditions don't show if they are blank. (registerEvent.php)
- $timeleft fixed, was originally not ever getting the option to confirm. (Display Source and Template)
- Show number of days remaining before you can confirm. (Display Template and Language files)

Older changes from the original mod...
0.17 BETA:
- Added a customizable per event Terms and Conditions page (bbcode-able).
0.161 BETA:
- Quick fix, sorting doesnt work.
0.16 BETA: Added login/register text for guest view.
- Added option to customize the number of days before closing event registrations, event sorting and event confirmations.
- Added administrative options to each event allowing admins to PM registrants, confirmed attendants or unconfirmed attendants.
0.15 BETA:
- Fixed some minor xhtml and php errors.
0.14 BETA:
- Fixed bug registrations and wrong ID's.
0.13 BETA:
- Fixed URL for viewing members in event list.
- Added sessions checks.
- Added Max Attendants field to calendar edit page.
0.12 BETA:
- Fixed typo which affected case sensitive servers.
0.11 BETA:
- Hides buttons and displays "Registrations closed" if the current time is after the event date.
0.1 BETA:
- Re worked registrants list to display large events better:
16.66 KB
Manual installation info
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