Update to SMF 2.0.19 - Installation Instructions for 2.0.18

Update to SMF 2.0.19
SMF 2.0.19

SMF 2.0.19 includes security updates and several bug fixes.

File Edits ALT + Click to collapse all the operations


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
$forum_version = 'SMF 2.0.18';
Replace With: Select
$forum_version = 'SMF 2.0.19';


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.16
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
if (empty($_GET['hash']) || empty($_GET['request']) || ($_GET['request'] === 'http:') || ($_GET['request'] === 'https:'))
Replace With: Select
// Basic sanity check
$_GET['request'] = filter_var($_GET['request'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);

// We aren't going anywhere without these
if (empty($_GET['hash']) || empty($_GET['request']))
Find: Select
if ($response === null)
// Throw a 404
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
// Right, image not cached? Simply redirect, then.
if ($response === false)
header('Location: ' . $request, false, 301);
Replace With: Select
if (!$response)
// Throw a 404
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
Find: Select
protected function cacheImage($request)
Add After: Select
$request_url = $request;

Find: Select
if (empty($response) || $responseCode != 200)
return null;
Replace With: Select
if (empty($response) || $responseCode != 200)
Find: Select
// Make sure the url is returning an image
Add Before: Select
// What kind of file did they give us?
if (function_exists('finfo_open'))
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$headers['content-type'] = finfo_buffer($finfo, $response['body']);

// SVG needs a little extra care
if (in_array($headers['content-type'], array('text/plain', 'text/xml')) && strtolower(pathinfo(parse_url($request_url, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == 'svg' && strpos($response['body'], '<svg') !== false && strpos($response['body'], '</svg>') !== false)
$headers['content-type'] = 'image/svg+xml';

Find: Select
if ($contentParts[0] != 'image')
return null;
Replace With: Select
if ($contentParts[0] != 'image')
Find: Select
if ($response['size'] > ($this->maxSize * 1024))
return false;
Replace With: Select
if ($response['size'] > ($this->maxSize * 1024))
Find: Select


$proxy = new ProxyServer();
Add Before: Select

* A helper function to redirect a request
* @access private
* @param string $request
private function redirectexit($request)
header('Location: ' . un_htmlspecialchars($request), false, 301);


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.16
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
if (strpos($file, 'eval()') !== false && !empty($settings['current_include_filename']))
Add Before: Select
// Also ignore these deprecation warnings introduced in PHP 8.1.
if (defined('PHP_VERSION_ID') && PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 && strpos($error_string, 'strftime()') !== false)
return true;


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
$ent_list = empty($modSettings['disableEntityCheck']) ? '&(#\d{1,7}|quot|amp|lt|gt|nbsp);' : '&(#021|quot|amp|lt|gt|nbsp);';
Replace With: Select
$ent_list = empty($modSettings['disableEntityCheck']) ? '&(?>#\d{1,7}|quot|amp|lt|gt|nbsp);' : '&(?>#021|quot|amp|lt|gt|nbsp);';
Find: Select
$ent_check = empty($modSettings['disableEntityCheck']) ? function($string)
$string = preg_replace_callback('~(&amp;#(\d{1,7}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6});)~', 'entity_fix__callback', $string);
Replace With: Select
$ent_check = empty($modSettings['disableEntityCheck']) ? function($string, $double = false)
$string = preg_replace_callback('~(&' . (!empty($double) ? '(?:amp;)?' : '') . '#(\d{1,7}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6});)~', 'entity_fix__callback', $string);
Find: Select
return $fix_utf8mb4($ent_check(htmlspecialchars($string, $quote_style, $utf8 ? 'UTF-8' : $charset)));
Replace With: Select
return $fix_utf8mb4($ent_check(htmlspecialchars($string, $quote_style, $utf8 ? 'UTF-8' : $charset), true));


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.16
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
// Get the maximum value for the primary key.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT MAX(' . $primary_key . ')
FROM {db_prefix}' . $cur_table,
list($max_value) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

if (empty($max_value))

while ($context['start'] <= $max_value)
Replace With: Select
// Get the count of records.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
FROM {db_prefix}' . $cur_table,
list($rec_count) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);

if (empty($rec_count))

while ($context['start'] <= $rec_count)
Find: Select
$context['continue_percent'] = round(100 * ($context['table'] + ($context['start'] / $max_value)) / $context['num_tables'], 1);
Replace With: Select
$context['continue_percent'] = round(100 * ($context['table'] + ($context['start'] / $rec_count)) / $context['num_tables'], 1);


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
function ViewWarningLog()
global $smcFunc, $modSettings, $context, $txt, $scripturl, $sourcedir;
Add After: Select

global $settings;


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
if (empty($modSettings['xmlnews_enable']) && ($_GET['sa'] !== 'profile' || $_GET['u'] !== $user_info['id']))
Replace With: Select
if (empty($modSettings['xmlnews_enable']) && (empty($_GET['sa']) || empty($_GET['u']) || $_GET['sa'] !== 'profile' || $_GET['u'] !== $user_info['id']))


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
function loadProfileFields($force_reload = false)
global $context, $profile_fields, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings, $user_info, $old_profile, $smcFunc, $cur_profile, $language
Add After: Select
, $profile_vars
Find: Select
list ($uyear, $umonth, $uday) = explode('-', empty($cur_profile['birthdate']) || $cur_profile['birthdate'] === '1004-01-01' ? '--' : $cur_profile['birthdate']);
Replace With: Select
list ($uyear, $umonth, $uday) = explode('-', empty($cur_profile['birthdate']) || $cur_profile['birthdate'] === '0001-01-01' ? '0000-00-00' : $cur_profile['birthdate']);
Find: Select
'year' => $uyear,
Replace With: Select
'year' => $uyear == '0004' ? '0000' : $uyear,
Find: Select
'input_validate' => function(&$value) use (&$cur_profile, &$profile_vars)
if (isset($_POST['bday2'], $_POST['bday3']) && $value > 0 && $_POST['bday2'] > 0)
// Set to blank?
if ((int) $_POST['bday3'] == 1 && (int) $_POST['bday2'] == 1 && (int) $value == 1)
$value = '1004-01-01';
$value = checkdate($value, $_POST['bday2'], $_POST['bday3'] < 1004 ? 1004 : $_POST['bday3']) ? sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $_POST['bday3'] < 1004 ? 1004 : $_POST['bday3'], $_POST['bday1'], $_POST['bday2']) : '1004-01-01';
$value = '1004-01-01';
Replace With: Select
'input_validate' => function(&$value)
global $cur_profile, $profile_vars;

if (isset($_POST['bday2'], $_POST['bday3']) && $value > 0 && $_POST['bday2'] > 0)
// Set to blank?
if ((int) $_POST['bday3'] == 1 && (int) $_POST['bday2'] == 1 && (int) $value == 1)
$value = '0001-01-01';
$value = checkdate($value, $_POST['bday2'], $_POST['bday3'] < 4 ? 4 : $_POST['bday3']) ? sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $_POST['bday3'] < 4 ? 4 : $_POST['bday3'], $_POST['bday1'], $_POST['bday2']) : '0001-01-01';
$value = '0001-01-01';
Find: Select
$value = checkdate($dates[2], $dates[3], $dates[1] < 4 ? 4 : $dates[1]) ? sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $dates[1] < 4 ? 4 : $dates[1], $dates[2], $dates[3]) : '1004-01-01';
Replace With: Select
$value = checkdate($dates[2], $dates[3], $dates[1] < 4 ? 4 : $dates[1]) ? sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $dates[1] < 4 ? 4 : $dates[1], $dates[2], $dates[3]) : '0001-01-01';
Find: Select
$value = empty($cur_profile['birthdate']) ? '1004-01-01' : $cur_profile['birthdate'];
Replace With: Select
$value = empty($cur_profile['birthdate']) ? '0001-01-01' : $cur_profile['birthdate'];
Find: Select
if ($value == 'external' && allowedTo('profile_remote_avatar') && strtolower(substr($_POST['userpicpersonal'], 0, 7)) == 'http://' && strlen($_POST['userpicpersonal']) > 7 && !empty($modSettings['avatar_download_external']))
Replace With: Select
if ($value == 'external' && allowedTo('profile_remote_avatar') && (strtolower(substr($_POST['userpicpersonal'], 0, 7)) == 'http://' || strtolower(substr($_POST['userpicpersonal'], 0, 8)) == 'https://') && strlen($_POST['userpicpersonal']) > 7 && !empty($modSettings['avatar_download_external']))


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
if (strpos($m[0], $context['session_var']) === false)
Replace With: Select
if (!empty($context['session_var']) && strpos($m[0], $context['session_var']) === false)


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.12
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
function mergePosts($msgs = array(), $from_topic, $target_topic)
Replace With: Select
function mergePosts($msgs, $from_topic, $target_topic)


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
'poster_ip' => 'inet',
Replace With: Select
'poster_ip' => 'string-16',


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
// Check loadLanguage actually exists!
if (!function_exists('loadLanguage'))
require_once($sourcedir . '/Load.php');
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs.php');

Add After: Select

// Also load up some context that is used by routines throughout ScheduledTasks.
// These may not be set when AutoTask is called very early in index.php.
// When scheduled tasks throw undefined errors, address them here.

if (!isset($context['server']))
// Copied over from Load.php...
// This determines the server... not used in many places, except for login fixing.
$context['server'] = array(
'is_iis' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Microsoft-IIS') !== false,
'is_apache' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') !== false,
'is_lighttpd' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'lighttpd') !== false,
'is_nginx' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'nginx') !== false,
'is_cgi' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos(php_sapi_name(), 'cgi') !== false,
'is_windows' => strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') === 0,
'iso_case_folding' => ord(strtolower(chr(138))) === 154,
'complex_preg_chars' => @version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.3') != -1,

if (!isset($context['utf8']))
// Copied over from Load.php...
// Set the character set from the template.
$context['character_set'] = empty($modSettings['global_character_set']) ? (empty($txt['lang_character_set']) ? 'ISO-8859-1' : $txt['lang_character_set']) : $modSettings['global_character_set'];
$context['utf8'] = $context['character_set'] === 'UTF-8' && (strpos(strtolower(PHP_OS), 'win') === false || @version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.2.3') != -1);
$context['right_to_left'] = !empty($txt['lang_rtl']);


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.9
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
$_SESSION['search_cache']['num_results'] = 0;
Replace With: Select
elseif ($_SESSION['search_cache']['num_results'] == -1)
$_SESSION['search_cache']['num_results'] = 0;


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
// Try to avoid a few pitfalls:
// like a possible race condition,
// or a failure to write at low diskspace

// Check before you act: if cache is enabled, we can do a simple test
// Can we even write things on this filesystem?
if ((empty($cachedir) || !file_exists($cachedir)) && file_exists($boarddir . '/cache'))
$cachedir = $boarddir . '/cache';
$test_fp = @fopen($cachedir . '/settings_update.tmp', "w+");
if ($test_fp)

$test_fp = @fopen($cachedir . '/settings_update.tmp', 'r+');
$written_bytes = fwrite($test_fp, "test");
@unlink($cachedir . '/settings_update.tmp');

if ($written_bytes !== strlen("test"))
// Oops. Low disk space, perhaps. Don't mess with Settings.php then.
// No means no. :P

// Protect me from what I want! :P
if (filemtime($boarddir . '/Settings.php') === $last_settings_change)
// You asked for it...
$fp = @fopen($boarddir . '/Settings.php', 'c');

// Is it even writable, though?
if ($fp)
flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
ftruncate($fp, 0);
foreach ($settingsArray as $line)
fwrite($fp, strtr($line, "\r", ''));
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);

// Even though on normal installations the filemtime should prevent this being used by the installer incorrectly
// it seems that there are times it might not. So let's MAKE it dump the cache.
if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate'))
opcache_invalidate(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Settings.php', true);
Replace With: Select
safe_file_write($boarddir . '/Settings.php', strtr(implode('', $settingsArray), "\r", ''), $boarddir . '/Settings_bak.php', $last_settings_change);
Find (at the end of the file): Select
Add Before: Select

* Writes data to a file, optionally making a backup, while avoiding race conditions.
* @param string $file The filepath of the file where the data should be written.
* @param string $data The data to be written to $file.
* @param string $backup_file The filepath where the backup should be saved. Default null.
* @param int $mtime If modification time of $file is more recent than this Unix timestamp, the write operation will abort. Defaults to time that the script started execution.
* @param bool $append If true, the data will be appended instead of overwriting the existing content of the file. Default false.
* @return bool Whether the write operation succeeded or not.
function safe_file_write($file, $data, $backup_file = null, $mtime = null, $append = false)
// Sanity checks.
if (!file_exists($file) && !is_dir(dirname($file)))
return false;

if (!is_int($mtime))
$mtime = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];

$temp_dir = sm_temp_dir();

// Our temp files.
$temp_sfile = tempnam($temp_dir, pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.');

if (!empty($backup_file))
$temp_bfile = tempnam($temp_dir, pathinfo($backup_file, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.');

// We need write permissions.
$failed = false;
foreach (array($file, $backup_file) as $sf)
if (empty($sf))

if (!file_exists($sf))
elseif (!is_file($sf))
$failed = true;

if (!$failed && !is_writable($sf))
foreach (array(0644, 0664, 0666) as $mode)
$failed = !@chmod($sf, $mode);
if (!$failed)

// Now let's see if writing to a temp file succeeds.
if (!$failed && file_put_contents($temp_sfile, $data, LOCK_EX) !== strlen($data))
$failed = true;

// Tests passed, so it's time to do the job.
if (!$failed)
// Back up the backup, just in case.
if (file_exists($backup_file))
$temp_bfile_saved = @copy($backup_file, $temp_bfile);

// Make sure no one changed the file while we weren't looking.
if (filemtime($file) <= $mtime)
// Attempt to open the file.
$sfhandle = @fopen($file, 'c');

// Let's do this thing!
if ($sfhandle !== false)
// Immediately get a lock.
flock($sfhandle, LOCK_EX);

// Make sure the backup works before we do anything more.
$temp_sfile_saved = @copy($file, $temp_sfile);

// Now write our data to the file.
if ($temp_sfile_saved)
if (empty($append))
ftruncate($sfhandle, 0);

$failed = fwrite($sfhandle, $data) !== strlen($data);
$failed = true;

// If writing failed, put everything back the way it was.
if ($failed)
if (!empty($temp_sfile_saved))
@rename($temp_sfile, $file);

if (!empty($temp_bfile_saved))
@rename($temp_bfile, $backup_file);
// It worked, so make our temp backup the new permanent backup.
elseif (!empty($backup_file))
@rename($temp_sfile, $backup_file);

// And we're done.
flock($sfhandle, LOCK_UN);

// We're done with these.

if ($failed)
return false;

// Even though on normal installations the filemtime should invalidate any cached version
// it seems that there are times it might not. So let's MAKE it dump the cache.
if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate'))
opcache_invalidate($file, true);

return true;

* Locates the most appropriate temp directory.
* Systems using `open_basedir` restrictions may receive errors with
* `sys_get_temp_dir()` due to misconfigurations on servers. Other
* cases sys_temp_dir may not be set to a safe value. Additionally
* `sys_get_temp_dir` may use a readonly directory. This attempts to
* find a working temp directory that is accessible under the
* restrictions and is writable to the web service account.
* Directories checked against `open_basedir`:
* - `sys_get_temp_dir()`
* - `upload_tmp_dir`
* - `session.save_path`
* - `cachedir`
* @return string
function sm_temp_dir()
global $cachedir;

static $temp_dir = null;

// Already did this.
if (!empty($temp_dir))
return $temp_dir;

// Temp Directory options order.
$temp_dir_options = array(
0 => 'sys_get_temp_dir',
1 => 'upload_tmp_dir',
2 => 'session.save_path',
3 => 'cachedir'

// Determine if we should detect a restriction and what restrictions that may be.
$open_base_dir = ini_get('open_basedir');
$restriction = !empty($open_base_dir) ? explode(':', $open_base_dir) : false;

// Prevent any errors as we search.
$old_error_reporting = error_reporting(0);

// Search for a working temp directory.
foreach ($temp_dir_options as $id_temp => $temp_option)
switch ($temp_option) {
case 'cachedir':
$possible_temp = rtrim($cachedir, '/');

case 'session.save_path':
$possible_temp = rtrim(ini_get('session.save_path'), '/');

case 'upload_tmp_dir':
$possible_temp = rtrim(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), '/');

$possible_temp = sys_get_temp_dir();

// Check if we have a restriction preventing this from working.
if ($restriction)
foreach ($restriction as $dir)
if (strpos($possible_temp, $dir) !== false && is_writable($possible_temp))
$temp_dir = $possible_temp;
// No restrictions, but need to check for writable status.
elseif (is_writable($possible_temp))
$temp_dir = $possible_temp;

// Fall back to sys_get_temp_dir even though it won't work, so we have something.
if (empty($temp_dir))
$temp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir();

// Fix the path.
$temp_dir = substr($temp_dir, -1) === '/' ? $temp_dir : $temp_dir . '/';

// Put things back.

return $temp_dir;


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.16
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
'db_escape_wildcard_string' => 'smf_db_escape_wildcard_string',
Add After: Select

'db_connect_error' => 'mysql_connect_error',
'db_connect_errno' => 'mysql_connect_errno',
Find: Select
'db_escape_wildcard_string' => array($this, 'escape_wildcard_string'),
Add After: Select

'db_connect_error' => 'mysqli_connect_error',
'db_connect_errno' => 'mysqli_connect_errno',
Find: Select

if (!empty($db_options['persist']))
$connection = @mysqli_connect('p:' . $db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd);
Add Before: Select

// This was the default prior to PHP 8.1, and all our code assumes it.
Find: Select
public function insert($method = 'replace', $table, $columns, $data, $keys, $disable_trans = false, $connection = null)
Replace With: Select
public function insert($method, $table, $columns, $data, $keys, $disable_trans = false, $connection = null)


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.4
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
'db_escape_wildcard_string' => 'smf_db_escape_wildcard_string',
Add After: Select

'db_connect_error' => 'smf_db_connect_error',
'db_connect_errno' => 'smf_db_connect_errno',
Find (at the end of the file): Select
Add Before: Select

* Function to emulate mysqli_connect_error.
* Since pg doesn't have such a function, just return an empty string.
* @return string connection error message
function smf_db_connect_error()
return '';

* Function to emulate mysqli_connect_errno.
* Since pg doesn't have such a function, just return an empty string.
* @return string connection error number
function smf_db_connect_errno()
return '';
Find: Select
elseif ($pos2 == false || $pos2 > $pos1)
Replace With: Select
elseif ($pos2 === false || $pos2 > $pos1)


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
// We can't get to the file.
Replace With: Select
// We can't get to the file.
if (empty($sizes))


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.18
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
// !!! Change this message to reflect that it may mean bad user/password/server issues/etc.
Add Before: Select

Find: Select
log_error($txt['smtp_error'] . $server_response);
Add Before: Select


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.16
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
'Michele &quot;Illori&quot; Davis',
// Former Project Managers
Replace With: Select
'Aleksi &quot;Lex&quot; Kilpinen',
// Former Project Managers
'Michele &quot;Illori&quot; Davis',
Find: Select
// Developers
'John &quot;live627&quot; Rayes',
'Jeremy &quot;SleePy&quot; Darwood',
Replace With: Select
// Developers
'Jessica &quot;Suki&quot; Gonz&aacute;lez',
'John &quot;live627&quot; Rayes',
'Oscar &quot;Ozp&quot; Rydhé',
Find: Select
'Hendrik Jan &quot;Compuart&quot; Visser',
Add After: Select

'Jeremy &quot;SleePy&quot; Darwood',
Find: Select
// Lead Support Specialist
'Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen',
// Support Specialists
'Will &quot;Kindred&quot; Wagner',
Replace With: Select
// Lead Support Specialist
'Will &quot;Kindred&quot; Wagner',
// Support Specialists
Find: Select
// Former Support Specialists
Add After: Select

'Aleksi &quot;Lex&quot; Kilpinen',
Find: Select
Add After: Select

Find: Select
Add Before: Select
Find: Select
'Kill Em All',
Replace With: Select
'Kill Em All',
Find: Select
Add After: Select

Find: Select
// Lead Customizer
'Sami &quot;SychO&quot; Mazouz',
// Customizers
'Diego Andr&eacute;s',
'Gary M. Gadsdon',
'Jonathan &quot;vbgamer45&quot; Valentin',
Replace With: Select
// Lead Customizer
'Gary M. Gadsdon',
// Customizers
'Diego Andr&eacute;s',
'Jonathan &quot;vbgamer45&quot; Valentin',
Find: Select
'Matthew &quot;Labradoodle-360&quot; Kerle',
Replace With: Select
'Matthew &quot;Labradoodle-360&quot; Kerle',
Find: Select
Add After: Select

'Sami &quot;SychO&quot; Mazouz',
Find: Select
// Doc Coordinator
// Doc Writers
Replace With: Select
// Doc Coordinator
'Michele &quot;Illori&quot; Davis',
// Doc Writers
Find: Select
// Lead Localizer
'Francisco &quot;d3vcho&quot; Domínguez',
// Localizers
'Nikola &quot;Dzonny&quot; Novaković',
Replace With: Select
// Lead Localizer
'Nikola &quot;Dzonny&quot; Novaković',
// Localizers
'Francisco &quot;d3vcho&quot; Domínguez',


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
* @version 2.0.14
Replace With: Select
* @version 2.0.19
Find: Select
// If we're viewing a topic, these should be the previous and next topics, respectively.
if (!empty($context['current_topic']))
echo '
<link rel="prev" href="', $scripturl, '?topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.0;prev_next=prev" />
<link rel="next" href="', $scripturl, '?topic=', $context['current_topic'], '.0;prev_next=next" />';

// If we're in a board, or a topic for that matter, the index will be the board's index.
Replace With: Select
// If we're in a board, or a topic for that matter, the index will be the board's index.


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
// Version: 2.0.16; Help
Replace With: Select
// Version: 2.0.19; Help
This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
Replace With: Select
This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
Replace With: Select
This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
Replace With: Select
This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
Replace With: Select
This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
Replace With: Select


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
// Version: 2.0.16; ManageSettings
Replace With: Select
// Version: 2.0.19; ManageSettings
This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select
Replace With: Select