Recent Mods
Imitate VBulletin Board Index Style in Board and Message Index pages.
9,157 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Enhance User profiles in posts.
5,670 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
This mod displays member's join date and location in postbit of post and personal message page
4,629 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
New Topics in Seperate colors
4,486 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Smileys tend to unalign the text or other smiley , this mod will align them in middle
3,981 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Separates replies and views to two columns in message index page for easy viewing.
3,822 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Quickly uninstall, re-install or remove mods immediately after its installation or uninstallation.
3,406 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Setting for Online users column
2,820 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Complete new look and more arranged layout for last post info on board index.
2,571 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Permission for admins to disable addition website in user profile for specific user group
2,536 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Live Clock in header
2,260 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Membergroup ID with Group Name
1,969 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Remove selected categories, boards, topics from recent posts list in info center
1,915 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Quick reply on top if users has enabled the option to show latest posts on top.
1,850 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Permission to Edit Display Name
1,810 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Search Character Limit.
1,601 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Create deny permission for each membergroup(regular/post) per board basis.
1,315 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Combined replies and views column
1,191 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Remove old topic warning in Quick reply
982 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Recent Themes
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