Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
December 31, 2007, 10:49:49 PM
Last Updated
July 01, 2015, 09:52:49 PM

Hide SMF Version v1.0.6b

Allows administrator to hide SMF version
Compatible With 2.0, 2.0.10
Latest version v1.0.6b
Downloads 53,223
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 80
License (View License)
Hide SMF Version

This modification provides a way to toggle display of the SMF version you are
running for non-administrators. It is intended to be a safe way to hide the
version for normal users.

This mod and other information can be found at:

- Hide the version of SMF you are using from non-Administrators

How to Use
You can find the setting by going to:

SMF 2.0:
Admin -> Configuration -> Security & Moderation -> General

If you are an administrator, you will always see the version. This
prevents modification install and software upgrades from experiencing
errors. To verify the modification is working, make sure the option is
checked and then view your forum while not logged in.

This code is licensed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. SMF code
used in this mod is copyright Simple Machines. All original code is copyright
Michael Johnson.

You probably don't need this modification. Despite much "received wisdom" on
the topic, most of the ways you would be compromised would be part of a whole
group of possible attacks run without even looking at what you're using on your
site. It doesn't matter if you aren't running on Windows, or you don't have
Joomla!, Drupal, or phpBB installed as the scripts will try attacks for those
things anyway. The only help this will provide is in a targeted attack, and
even then a determined attacker can find your version by analyzing the behavior
of the forum.

Regardless, many people still feel comforted by hiding the version.
Unfortunately, many common ways of hiding the version will break modification
installation, patch updates, and other administration features. This
modification was created as a way to hide the version in a safe manner without
breaking administrative activities.

"SMF" and "Simple Machines" are registered trademarks of Simple Machines.

Version History

Doc Revision 20150701
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