Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 06, 2008, 07:51:45 AM
Last Updated
January 24, 2008, 06:18:58 PM

SMF NoPaste v1.1

Pastebin / NoPaste system for your SMF !
Compatible With 1.1.4
Latest version v1.1
Downloads 31,109
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 5
License (View License)
This mod adds a NoPaste, also known as a pastebin to your SMF Forum. It's a web application which allows its users to upload snippets of text, usually samples of source code, for public viewing. It is very popular in IRC channels where pasting large amounts of text is considered bad etiquette. A vast number of pastebins exist on the Internet, but no one integrated in a forum.

Features :
(o) uses 4-level permissions (use, view, add, delete)
(o) add new bbc tag [np]
(o) supports queryless urls
(o) UBBC allowed in description
(o) administration interface
(o) snippet browser where an admin can see the details
(o) integrated reCaptcha engine to prevent spam (thx to Motoko-chan for inspiring me about reCaptcha).

Update 1.1
(o) user can upload / download snippets
(o) added file upload permission
(o) added view-counter

To get the reCaptcha working, its required to obtain an api-key here.
(The link is also available in acp)

Usage of [np] tag :
Add a snippet to the nopaste and copy the cryptid, for example:,fae965f19f.html
'fae965f19f' is the cryptid, you can either use the [np]-tag like
any other tags = [np]fae965f19f[/np] or you can use the tag like this
[np=fae965f19f]sometext[/np] in order to display a custom text.

For support visit !
Live demo : Here
29.77 KB
33.07 KB
Manual installation info
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