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Package ID
First Created
January 13, 2008, 09:26:37 PM
Last Updated
August 02, 2015, 09:31:26 AM

BoardHover Mod v1.8.1

Allows forum & linktree to be hover clickable.
Compatible With 1.1.10, 1.1.11, 1.1.12, 1.1.15, 1.1.16, 2.0 Beta 3.1 Public, 2.0 Beta 4, 2.0 RC1, 2.0 RC1-1, 2.0 RC1.2, 2.0 RC2, 2.0 RC3, 2.0 RC4, 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.10
Latest version v1.8.1
Downloads 10,444
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 49
License (View License)
aka JMod. ;)

Refresh the browser screen after installation.

Clicking underlined text is a thing of the past.  This mod gives you forum navigation mouse over highlights that allows you to select where to go by clicking anywhere in highlighted "hover" area.  Affected areas are forum topics, subjects, child boards, main messages, members list and message boards.  Clicking in the field will take you to the board, first post, first unread post or last post.

Latest version includes a tableless hover linktree hack that allows the user to click anywhere in the linktree box and to navigate the forum.  Hovering the Linktree can be turned off in the "Admin/Modification Settings/BoardHover" panel.  The Linktree on the first page can also be turned off.

Utilizes Janos Horvath's hover emulation java script for Internet Explorer (IE) compatibility.  It is the users responsibility is to check the site for script updates.

Tested with: Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari.

Donations accepted to help support this mod and to grant permission to remove link (please specify the name of the mod when donating).

Live Demo:

Support thread for this mod is here.  (Please don't PM me to do the edits for you).

This mod was written for the default theme for SMF versions prior to 2.0 RC 2 and Curve thereafter.  It can be manually installed in other themes.

The following languages are supported in the "Modification Settings":
o - english
o - english-utf8
o - arabic-utf8
o - bulgarian-utf8
o - chinese-simplified-utf8
o - chinese-traditional-utf8
o - croatian-utf8
o - czech-utf8
o - dutch-utf8
o - french-utf8
o - german-utf8
o - greek-utf8
o - hebrew-utf8
o - hungarian-utf8
o - indonesian-utf8
o - italian-utf8
o - japanese-utf8
o - persian-utf8
o - polish-utf8
o - portuguese_brazilian-utf8
o - portuguese_pt-utf8
o - russian & russian-utf8 (thanks Bugo)
o - serbian_latin-utf8
o - spanish_es-utf8
o - spanish_latin-utf8
o - swedish-utf8
o - thai-utf8
o - turkish-utf8
o - ukrainian-utf8
o - vietnamese-utf8

$txt['boardhover'] = 'BoardHover';
$txt['linktree_hover'] = 'Adjust the Linktree settings';
$txt['enable_linktree_hover'] = 'Enable navigation tree hover for all users:';
$txt['disable_linktree_first_page'] = 'Remove navigation tree from front page:';

New and or corrected translations are welcome.

You can change the rest colors in either "index.css" or "style.css" by changing the color code and/or the background-color:

   color: #000000;
   background-color: #f0f4f7;

Another method would be to use both the color code and add a image that you created.  For example:

background: #AB72AC url(./images/windowbg_hoverHover.jpg); /* purple */

The hover colors in "boardhover???.css" are as follows:
"windowbg2_hover" edits the child boards and forum subjects.
"stickybg2_hover" is for the forum subject stickies.
"lockedbg2_hover" changes forum locked post.
"approvebg2_hover" and "approvetbg2_hover" changes administrator duties.

To change the color of the Linktree text during hover you will need to edit the"boardhover???.css file(s).  Search for "Start of linktree" to find it.  The css file is structured as follows:

.linktree_border? *
  • The border is the container for the whole linktree.  This was streamlined for several browsers so the hovers are loosely contained in the border depending on your browser.  The border is numbered from 0-3.

  • This is the place holder that allows two linktree elements to fit into a row.

.linktree_? *
  • This is the default linktree item before the mouse is placed over it.  Change the background here to change the linktree colors in rest.  You will notice that there are 7 of these and the colors typically alternate.  The last one is for the moderator.  The second from the last if for either the moderator or is a normal resting element.  The first one is specific for a single hover like the forum name.

.linktree_?_hover:hover, .linktree_?_hoverHover *
  • This is the default linktree hover item after the mouse is placed over it.  The numbers match the items at rest.  Change the background here to change the linktree colors in on mouseover.  You will notice that there are 6 of these and the colors typically alternate.  The last one is for the moderator.  The last one is for either the moderator or is a normal resting element.

* NOTE: ? denotes a number that will change.

The elements are 6 deep.  When this number is exceeded the Linktree reverts back to the standard SMF Linktree.

The forum "current" page must be reloaded in the browser after installation.

Current download version index:
o 1.80 - for all versions (1.1.x through 2RC3).

Change log
1.0 - 1.1.0 - 26th December 2007
o Initial release for SMF 1.1.x.
o Tested by S3NTYN3L @

1.2 - 29th March 2008
o Streamlined 1.1.x installation by removing excess code.
o Corrected typo in "windowbg3_hover" hover class for version 1.1.x.
o Added install for SMF 2.0 Beta 3 Public
o Tested by seek2501.

1.2.1 - 12th July 2008
o Minor bug fix for SMF 2.0 Beta 3 Public version ONLY.  Fixed Undefined offset error for 'smf88' & '30' strings.  No changes made to 1.1.x version.

1.30 - 14th September 2008
o Updated for use with SMF 2.0  Beta 4 Public.  No changes made to SMF 1.1.x & SMF 2.0  Beta 3 Public.  Added Locked sticky graphic for SMF Beta 4 Public only.

1.3.1 - 24th September 2008
o My attempt to allow the mod to work with SMF 2.0  Beta 4 (not public).

1.4.0 - 3rd May 2009
o Updated for SMF 2.0 RC1 only.  No changes made to SMF 1.1.x & SMF 2.0  Beta 3 & 4 Public.

1.4.1 - 30th Jun 2009
o Updated for SMF 2.0 RC1-1 only.  No changes made to SMF 1.1.x & SMF 2.0  Beta 3 & 4 Public.

1.4.2 - 2nd Aug 2009
o Updated for SMF 2.0 RC1.2 only.  No changes made to SMF 1.1.x & SMF 2.0  Beta 3 & 4 Public.

1.43 - 14nd Sep2009
o Bug fix:  Corrected a bug that prevented hovers from being displayed in 2.0 RC 1.2 in Safari 4.0.3.

1.50 - 10th Nov2009
o Upgraded for SMF 2.0 RC2.   No changes made to older versions.
o Hover added for member list.
o Hover added for linktree for SMF 2.0 RC2 only.  Thanks to ladynada for the original concept.  See picture.

1.51 - 12th Nov2009
o Bug fix: Undefined variable error corrected for SMF 2 RC2 - Please clean error log after installation.

1.52 - 15th Nov2009
o Add color change for text on mouseover.  Default is green for all but admin.  Admin items are bold red.

1.53 - 22nd Nov2009
o Bug fix:  For a custom theme during a manual installation some of the MessageIndex and BoardIndex did not link correctly.  Software still only installs in the default and/ or curve theme depending on your version of SMF.  All versions are effected (including 1.1.11).  **  IF 1.52 WORKS YOU DO NOT NEED THIS VERSION **

1.54 - 1st Jan2010
o Changes for SMF 2.0 RC2.   No changes made to older versions.
o Bug fix: "display pop-up messages not working" bug reported by Bugo.
o Broke out Linktree (Sources/Boardhover-linktree.php), css (default/css/boardhover.css) & (default/css/boardhover-ie.css) with better descriptions in separate files for better compatibility.
o Optimized linktree code for speed.
o  Added mod setting to enable/ diable linktree hover.
o  Added mod setting to remove the Linktree from the front page with and without hover.
o  Linktree hover now supports "right to left" languages.
o  Added support for many languages.

1.55 - 25th Jan2010
o Changes for SMF 2.0 RC2.   No changes made to older versions.
o Bug fix: Possible for SSI users (thanks Arantor).
o Added hover to recent post list when "Current Theme/Theme Settings/Number of recent posts to display on board index:" >0.

1.56 - 27th Jan2010
o Changes for SMF 2.0 RC2.   No changes made to older versions.
o Minor color corrections in css for admin and moderator hover only.

1.57 - 4th Feb2010
o Changes for SMF 2.0 RC2.   No changes made to older versions.
o Minor update - Many XHTML 1.0 compatibility issues resolved.

1.60 - 12th Mar2010
o Upgrade to SMF 2.0 RC3 and minor bug fixes for SMF 2.0 RC2.

1.61 - 2nd May2010
o Fixed recent posts display bug for IE8 SMF 2.0 RC2 & SMF 2.0 RC3 (thank you mpolo).
o Improvements to linktree for SMF 2.0 RC3 ONLY.

1.62 - 9th May2010
o Fixed portuguese_brazilian-utf8 translation (thank you Sakae) for SMF 2.0 RC3 ONLY.

1.71 - 7th Nov2010
o Upgrade to SMF 2.0 RC4.
o Corrected Russian

1.80 - 12th Jun2011
o Upgrade to SMF 2.0.

1.81 - September 19, 2011
o Upgrade to SMF 2.0.1.

Terms of use

•   By downloading and/or using this MOD you agree to adhere to the following conditions for all versions of the Boardhover MOD:
•   Copyright info & link must remain intact!  They only can be removed via Author/Creators approval.
•   The Author/Creator is not responsible for any incompatibilities of this mod with your forum.
•   You are FREE to use and customize this MOD on your Forum(s) in any way you see fit, however, in no way can the Author/Creator of this MOD be held responsible under any circumstances.
•   Commercial resale of this mod is prohibited without express written permission from the Author/Creator.
•   You are FREE to redistribute this MOD in its original, released state ONLY!
•   Conversion, transfer or porting any portion of the Authors Creative Work, Ideas, procedures and process to any SMF fork without the Authors explicit written permission is strictly prohibited.
•   These terms can be changed or appended at any time by the Author/Creator without any prior notice.
Manual installation info
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