Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
February 25, 2008, 09:50:08 PM
Last Updated
August 08, 2009, 10:43:14 AM

Stars and Badges v2.1

Display stars and badges of additional groups.
Compatible With 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.1.7, 1.1.8, 1.1.10, 2.0 Beta 3 Public, 2.0 Beta 3.1 Public, 2.0 Beta 4, 2.0 RC1
Latest version v2.1
Downloads 38,607
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 63
License (View License)
Author:JohnyB   Mod Name:StarsAndBadges   Version:2.0   Tested:Freshly installed SMF 1.1.4 and 2.0 Beta 3 Public
StarsAndBadges 2.0  - This mod will display additional group stars and or badges       or whatever you use as stars in membergroup settings.  - In post - display additional stars and or badges in order you entered in    Admin -> Features and Options -> Basic Features -> Arrange additional group id to be displayed.  - If textbox is blank, this mod will display all additional group of a member.   - In Profile - display only selected groups from Features and Options configuration.  - Admin and whoever moderate_forum_members can see everything in profile.  - In Personal Message - same as Profile and posts.   (SMF 1.1.4) Supported Themes  - Aa_New_Damage  - Babylon  - Classic  - Cs-dk114v1  - Default  - dilbermc  - helios_multi11  - Wowdk_114v1   (SMF 2.0 Beta 3 Public) Supported Themes  - Babylon  - Classic  - Default Core   April 8, 2008 - updated to version 2.0 - combined both versions into 1 package.  Please uninstall old version before installing new one.  September 11, 2008 - updated to version 2.1  January 1, 2009  - Fixed a typo. For version 1.1.7 only. Thanks Sheree.[/hr]
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