Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
March 22, 2008, 02:09:42 PM
Last Updated
March 26, 2008, 01:37:07 AM

autoTooltip and autoLinktip v0.9

Advanced version of [acronym and abbr], giving a
Compatible With 1.1.4, 2.0 Beta 3 Public
Latest version v0.9
Downloads 38,171
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 8
License (View License)

[tooltip=I have a Simple Machines Forum myself, you should get one too]SMF Forum[/tooltip] (comma is ok here)

[linktip=,Simple Machines; the best friggin forum in the world!]Simple Machines[/linktip] (comma seperates url from text in bubble, so no comma in the actual text)

Linebreaks will keep formatting for the bubble, so for multi line text:
[tooltip=I have a Simple Machines Forum myself,

you should get one too]SMF Forum[/tooltip] -- this will put 2 line breaks in the bubble


This is a little more advanced version of the [abbr and acronym], where instead of an alt text it gives a "Chat bubble" when you mouseover the linked text (either a span with double underline, or an actual link that you can click going to a website with double underline, indicating it is special.

There is:
- 1 theme change to index.template
- 1 change to subs.php
- 1 css file for the styling of the bubble
- 2 image files
- 1 folder containing .js files (6)

very simple for manual or package install


Compatable with:
- versions up to 1.1.4
- 2.0 Beta 3 Public


based on request of: ameo
found here

If you have any suggestions for improvement or bugs please let me know, I will do my best to correct right away

~ Kender
42.19 KB
Manual installation info
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