Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
April 26, 2008, 10:25:56 PM
Last Updated
January 26, 2012, 12:30:12 PM

Disable Right Click v4.1.2

A simple modification to disable the right click for members and guests
Compatible With 1.1.10, 1.1.11, 1.1.16, 2.0.2
Latest version v4.1.2
Downloads 33,022
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 48
License (View License)
Disable Right Click v4.1.xx - Chas Large
Disable the right click button for selected membergroups and also protect your images directory.

New code - Chas Large
Original Mod- NIBOGO

o Permission to disable Right Click Button within the SMF Permission system.
o You can use your own text to advise guests that the right click is disabled.
o You can enable or disable the whole Mod in the Mod Settings.
o Automatically installation in all the themes.
o Support for SMF 1.1.xx & 2.0.xx
o English, Spanish_latin, Spanish_es with utf8 support.
o You can Show a Message or not when a user attempts to use the right click button.
o Protect the images directory with an empty index.php.

- English/English-utf8
- Spanish Latin/Spanish Latin-utf8
- Spanish Es/Spanish Es-utf8
- Portuguese and Brazilian. Translation by Candidosa2 (Joomlamz)
- Russian-utf8 Translation by StreamX

- 1.1.X
- 2.0.x


4.1.2 - 26 Jan 2012

o Russian translation added.

4.1.1 - 14 Jan 2012

o Portuguese and Brazilian translations added.

4.1.0 - 13 Jan 2012

o Recoded the 1.1.xx Install
o Recoded the Install English Text for better readability.
o Tested with 2.0.xx

4.0.1 - 08 Oct 2009

o Added support for SMF 1.1.10
o Should be working in all the SMF Versions so this is the final unless something big happend

4.0 - 18 May 2009

o Total re-estructure of all the mod
o Maybe this is the final release

3.3 - 17 May 2009

o Added arabic utf8 translation
- Changed the readme file :p

3.2 - 28 March 2009

o Fixed a bug with the xhtml validation and breaking ajax,visaul verification and javascript, PLEASE UPGRADE!
o Changed the ManagePermission for compatibility purpose
o Added translation for Spanish Es and Spanish Es-utf8

3.1 - 01 December 2008

o Re-Build all the mod . I simplify the code and the two bugs in the admin panel are fixed.

3.0.3 - 28 November 2008

o Fixed "8: Undefined index: drc_option" Error in the Error Logs with another method thanks to Bulakbol.
o Renamed a function from disable_right_click2 to disable_right_click_mute

3.0.2 - 27 November 2008

o Fixed "8: Undefined index: drc_option" Error in the Error Logs.
o Fixed some others little bugs in the code.

3.0.1 - 20 November 2008

o Fixed a little bug in the admin panel.

3.0 - 23 October 2008

o Added support for SMF 2.0 BETA 4.
o Now you can select "Show a Message" or "Dont Show Nothing" when the user make a right click.
o Added the Right Click permission in the SMF Permission system.
o Auto-Template , this mod work in all the themes.
o Added portuguese and spanish with utf8.
o Moved the Right Click Mod settings.
o Fixed some little bugs.
o Now the mod protect the images directory with an empty index.php.

2.0 - 17 June 2008

o Added support for SMF BETA 2.0.
o Now you can disable or enable the right click in your admin panel.
o Added a little window with help
o Now the mod is called "Disable Right Click"

1.0 - 26 April 2008

o Initial release.

1.0 - 20 April 2008

o Initial private release.
Manual installation info
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