Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
June 16, 2008, 03:46:11 PM
Last Updated
July 23, 2008, 06:08:32 PM

Age & Gender Board Filter Mod v1.2.1

Restrict entrance into a specific board by profile-set age or gender. Users are restricted from edit
Compatible With 1.1.5
Latest version v1.2.1
Downloads 32,020
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 12
License (View License)
By Eliana Tamerin || Originally by Senkusha

This mod is written for 1.1.5. It may work on older versions (no guarantee), but it will not work on any 2.0 versions. An upgrade to 2.0 is not yet planned.

Installing any modification is a risk to your forum. Please backup BOTH your database (structure and data) and files before attempting to install. You have been warned.

Known Conflicts

Restrict entrance into a specific board by profile-set age or gender. Users are restricted from editing their age and gender after it has been set (only admins can after that). Ages over 80 default to 0 for the purposes of this mod.

Also, please note that this mod will restrict guests from entering the boards you modify with the age/gender options. This also means that seach engines will not be able to access these boards.

How To Use This Mod
-Install the mod
-Navigate to Admin CP > Boards > (Board you wish to modify) "Modify"
-Enter minimum age and maximum age or select gender you wish to restrict
-Click "Modify"
-Users are now allowed into/restricted from the board you just modified based on their minimum age, maximum age or gender

-To require the gender and/or birthdate fields on the registration page:
--Navigate to Admin CP > Registration > Settings
--Check/uncheck the options at the bottom

Regarding Upgrades
When the mod version is upgraded, I will try to provide upgrade packages for earlier versions. However, because the number of supported versions may become overly strenuous, I will only guarantee upgrade scripts for the past two versions of the mod. I will keep the changelog accurate to make it easy to figure out whether you have a version within that timeframe or not. If an upgrade script is not available, you must uninstall the mod prior to installing the newest version. You may need to update each board's settings after doing this.

This is the first mod of Eliana Tamerin, taken over from another coder. Please keep that in mind as you request features or ask for support. However, feature requests/suggestions and support requests are always welcome. Patience is advised.

0.1.0 - August, 2006
o Initial Release by Senkusha
0.1.0 - September, 2007
o Mod is updated for 1.1.3 by JohnyB
1.0 - June 17, 2008
o Taken over by Eliana Tamerin
o Mod is updated to 1.1.5.
o Mod is brought up to SMF Coding Standards and submitted to mod site
1.0.2 - June 17, 2008
o Fixed issues as required by SMF Customization Team
1.0.4 - June 17, 2008
o Fixed loopholes in ManageBoards and Profile to restrict age
1.1.0 - June 21, 2008
o Fixed misspelling in language
o Added Maximum Age to view board option
1.1.1 - June 26, 2008
o Added upgrade option to installer
1.2.0 - July 13, 2008
o Fixed bug that didn't allow users who haven't set their birthdates to enter unrestricted forums (unrestricted by age)
o Added registration field for gender (code borrowed with permission from GenderonRegistration mod)
o Added registration field for birthdate
o Added settings in ADMIN CP > REGISTRATION > SETTINGS to require gender and/or birthdate on registration page
1.2.1 - July 23, 2008
o Fixed bug on registration page related to requiring the gender field. (Thanks to [SiNaN]
Manual installation info
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