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Package ID
First Created
July 04, 2008, 07:02:39 AM
Last Updated
May 24, 2009, 05:35:08 PM

Select All & Copy Code to Clipboard v1.4

Select all and copy code to clipboard
Compatible With 1.1.5, 1.1.9, 2.0 Beta 3.1 Public
Latest version v1.4
Downloads 29,490
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 7
License (View License)

Select All & Copy 'Code' to Clipboard BETA
By [n3rve]

When the "[ code ] [ /code ]" tag is used on your forum, The Code is seperated in a box like a quote as illustrated below;

This is an Example; [n3rve] thinks Metallica is SMF himself

This plugin will alter output of the 'code' tag to include js to "select all" and  "Copy to clipboard".
'Flash' needs to be enabled on the clients browser (as the copying is done by a flash file called _clipboard.swf)
It's enabled by default in most browsers.

This plugin has been tested on the following Browsers:
o Internet Explorer 6 / 7
o Internet Explorer 8 BETA
o Mozilla Firefox 3.0 BETA 2
o Opera               
Please, Test and let me know which browsers are supported and which are not, I'll reference you in this readme.

o 1.1.4
o 1.1.5
o 2.0 Beta 3 Public
o 2.0 Beta 3.1 Public

o Adds "Select Code" Link to each coded section
o Adds "Copy To Clipboard" Link to each coded section

Currently, There are no administration settings with this mod. (maybe in an updated version :) ). To disable/remove it, you must uninstall the modification.
Should you experience problems installing/ uninstalling a mod?
Use the SMF Package Parser

Installation affects source files and a javascript file which is called from the default theme for virtually all themes, therefore theme modificatoions aren't required.

o English/English-utf8
o English_British/English_British-utf8
o Turkish/Turkish-utf8 (Translated by 'Kapadokyali' & 'BadBoy')
o Spanish/Spanish-utf8 (Translated by 'EgAr')
o Spanish_es/Spanish_es-utf8 (Trasnlated by 'EgAr')
o Greek/Greek-utf8 (Translated by 'MinasC')

I welcome translations for other languages SMF Supports.
Please translate the following and post them in the comment topic linked above.
$txt['codeselectall'] = 'Select All';
$txt['codecopytoclipboard'] = 'Copy To Clipboard';
$txt['codedivider'] = '|';

Bug Reports
They shouldn't be any major bugs, but just in case, Please use the modification's thread for bug reports pertaining this modification.

Thanks for Testing this BETA Release, The Non-BETA will be released a few days after I have used this on my production site and no bugs have been reported here.

©2007 - 2008
8.27 KB
Manual installation info
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