Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
October 08, 2008, 04:18:31 AM
Last Updated
June 16, 2011, 02:28:56 AM

Choose Ignorable Boards v1.2

Allows you to choose the specific boards that your users can ignore.
Compatible With 2.0 RC1-1, 2.0 RC4, 2.0
Latest version v1.2
Downloads 2,978
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 9
License (View License)
Choose Ignorable Boards 1.2 by Nathaniel

This mod allows you to choose the specific boards that you want users to be able to ignore. This means that you can stop users from ignoring your really important boards, like news boards.

The settings for this mod are located in the admin panel under 'Forum' -> 'Boards' -> 'Settings'. The 'Allow boards to be ignored' setting must be enabled if you want users to be able to ignore boards. You can apply the same ignore board options to multiple boards by clicking on the "Apply a profile to many boards at once" link in that settings area. The ignore board options for each separate board are configuerable by using the 'Allow users to ignore this board?' setting,  in the admin panel under 'Forum' -> 'Boards' -> 'Modify Boards' -> click the 'modify' link next to the relevant board.

SMF Version Support
This mod is officially supported for SMF 2.0 final and above only. Below is a list of available versions of this mod and the previous versions of SMF that they supported. Use them at your own risk. The mod author will not be supporting or upgrading this mod in any way for versions of SMF below 2.0 final.

Version 1.1: SMF 2 RC1-1.
Version 1.2: SMF 2 RC4 and above.

If this mod has helped you, then feel free to support the developer by Donating. Any amount of money is welcome.

Version Changes:
v1.2 - 7 November 2010
Updated for SMF 2 RC4.

Added ability to choose which membergroups a user must have to be able to ignore a board.
Revamped the admin area, with an 'apply ignore boards options profile' page.
Added compatibility for SMF 2 RC1-1.
Removed compatibility for SMF 2 Beta 4.

Original Mod release.
Manual installation info
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