Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
November 14, 2008, 08:36:24 PM
Last Updated
October 01, 2019, 01:05:53 AM

Affiliates System v3.3.5.6

SA Affiliates Comepleat Affiliates System
Compatible With 2.0
Latest version v3.3.5.6
Downloads 7,637
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 37
License (View License)
Mod will be updated soon for SMF 2.1!
Late 2019 - Early 2020

smf affiliates


demo on forum


o You can create unlimited affiliates and forum banners.
o Set Permissions for view affiliates,add affiliates, affiliates auto approve, rate affiliates,edit afflinks,edit afflinks any,delete afflinks any,approve affiliates,report affiliates,veiwreport affiliates.

o Simple and friendly admin panel for all Affiliates Settings.
o You can enable/disable every affiliate with just one click.
o Support for the Who is online list , 'Viewing the Affiliates'.
o Nice layout for the Affiliates index and Admin Panel.
o Support Affiliates on BoardIndex with options based on marquee.
o SSI Functions with Affiliates 'ssi_affiliates()' and random affiliate 'ssi_random_affiliate()'.
o Easy manual installation , you can manually install the db with the Affiliates Install.php
o You will have an empty error log.
o Integration with all the portal systems using the SSI Functions.
o Google PageRank Support.
o Vote the Affiliates with +1 or -1.
o Affiliates Stats with all the information of you need.
o will send pm if affilites waiting approvl
o will send pm to users when there affiliat is approved
o will send pm if affiiiatn repoted

A big thanks To these people for helping with beta testing

SA Affiliates is released under the Mozilla Public License v1.1

Manual installation info
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