Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
November 19, 2008, 07:56:01 PM
Last Updated
June 28, 2014, 05:22:27 AM

OS & Browser Detection v1.5

This modification will show the OS & Browser used by the user while posting.
Compatible With 1.1.7, 1.1.8, 1.1.11, 2.0 RC1, 2.0 RC3
Latest version v1.5
Downloads 13,135
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 66
License (View License)
OS & Browser Detection
by X3mE, version 1.5


This modification will show the OS & Browser used by the user while posting. This information is gathered from the browser's user agent sent during posting time. It is not changed after editing the post.

You can choose in the Admin Control Panel which membergroups are allowed to view detected information.

There are many operating systems and browsers supported, but if you wish to add some new to the list, please use the modification support thread and leave your user agent.


Live Demo:


* version 1.5 (20. 09. 2010.)
- Added SMF 2.0 RC3 compatibility (thanks to everyone in the support topic who posted their comments, especially cieplutki & snoopy_virtual), not working with earlier SMF 2.0 branch anymore, use 1.4 instead!
- Updated the base detection engine for new releases of browsers and operating systems
- Spanish translation updated (thanks to snoopy_virtual)
- Russian translation added (thanks to Gladman)
- Turkish translation added (thanks to ოկtђ)
- Thai translation added (thanks to Rid-rop)
- Italian translation added (thanks to CrazyHorse80)

* version 1.4 (29. 04. 2009.)
- Added a membergroup permission to view detected information
- Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty detection added
- Installation code reorganized
- Finnish translation updated (thanks to LexArma)
- German translation added (thanks to Eclipse16V)

* version 1.3 (10. 04. 2009.)
- Fixed undefined errors in SMF 1.1.x
- Finnish language added (thanks to LexArma)

* version 1.2 (05. 02. 2009.)
- Updated to work with SMF 2.0 RC1 (Removed compatibility with 2.0 Beta 4)
- Fixed a layout issue in SMF 1.1.x
- SMF 1 & 2 installs in same package, AUMR version no longer needed

* Version 1.1 (18. 01. 2009.)
- Fixed Unefined index error in Subs-Post.php (SMF 2.x)
- Windows 7 support included
- Swedish translation added (thanks to P_cool)
- Portugeese translation added (thanks to joomlamz)
- Polish translation added (thanks to saneone)
- Spanish translation added (thanks to M-DVD)

* Version 1.0 (19. 11. 2008.)
- Initial version for SMF 2.0 Beta 4 and SMF 1.1.7


Based on Web Browser Identifier v0.9, by Marcin Krol.


Normally, you upload and install (for SMF 2.0 RC3 or SMF 1.1.x).

If you have SMF up to 2.0 RC1, please use version 1.4 of the mod, and if you have Advanced Reputation System installed, please use the file with the ARS extension (up to 2.0 RC1 only!).

Please be aware that if you wish to uninstall ARS later, you will have to uninstall OS & Browser Detection first (however, your database settings will be saved if you wish to reinstall it later).

Note that this mod will only show OS & Browser for posts created after installation. Before installing it, this information was never stored in the database.

If you are switching from K-Detection, refer to this post for instructions how to preserve and import existing data into OS & Browser detection.

Please post all your support questions and comments in the support thread. You can also use the Issue Tracker on the Demo Website.


Languages included:
- English (english, english-utf8)
- Finnish (finnish)
- German (german)
- Italian (italian)
- Polish (polish)
- Portuguese (portuguese_pt-utf8)
- Russian (russian)
- Serbian (serbian, serbian-utf8, serbian-utf8-lat, serbian_latin-utf8)
- Spanish (spanish, spanish-utf8, spanish_es, spanish_es-utf8, spanish_latin, spanish_latin-utf8)
- Swedish (swedish-utf8)
- Thai (thai)
- Turkish (turkish)

To translate it to your own language, add the translation for:

$txt['OS_Browser_Compatible'] = 'compatible';
$txt['OS_Browser_OS'] = 'OS';
$txt['OS_Browser_Unknown'] = 'Unknown';
$txt['OS_Browser_Browser'] = 'Browser';
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_view_os_browser'] = 'View detected OS & Browser in posts';
$txt['permissionname_view_os_browser'] = 'View detected OS & Browser in posts';
$txt['permissionhelp_view_os_browser'] = 'If enabled, the member will see the detected OS & Browser for each post, if they are detected.';

in the appropriate Modifications.language.php file. You are welcome to post your translations in the support topic.


If you like this mod, please donate to support its further development. Any amount would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Manual installation info
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