Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 09, 2009, 03:33:40 PM
Last Updated
November 01, 2010, 07:46:01 PM

RSS Feeder v1.1.5

This allows you to add RSS Feed 'Bots' to your forum to display information from RSS Feeds.
Compatible With 2.0 RC4
Latest version v1.1.5
Downloads 13,850
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 124
License (View License)
RSS Feeder

This allows you to add RSS Feed 'Bots' to your forum to display information from RSS Feeds.

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Features of this mod:

  • Unlimited Feeds
  • Post to any board on your site
  • Specify which user to post as
  • Single click enable/disable of any feed from the admin panel
  • Lock feed topics once posted
  • Require approval of feeds before publicly viewable (only if Post Moderation is enabled)
  • Prefix feed with any title (Ie: [FEED], [RSS], [NEWS], etc)
  • Retrieve full article (Regular Expression REQUIRED)
  • Find articles by keyword in the Title or Description
  • Specify number of items to import from each feed
  • Caching of feeds for faster performance in case the feed hasn't changed
  • Logging of posted feeds to avoid duplicates
  • Uses Scheduled Tasks to determine when to fetch feeds (you can set the frequency)
  • Log pruning - removes log entries that are 30 days old (this can be changed too)
  • Option to post all feed items into a single topic, instead of seperate topics
  • See how many items each feed as posted
  • Selectable image icons for feeds
  • Add a custom footer to each post for feeds
Change Log:
Version 1.1.4
! Didn't install right on RC2, a bug was fixed between charter and public releases

Version 1.1.3
? Updated for SMF 2.0 RC2
* Allow much more HTML (converted to BBC) in posts
! Removed hard coded text
! Fixed issue where feed was bypassed if it didn't contain it's own link (rare, but it happens)
* Updated SimplePie API

Version 1.1.2
! Fixed an issue not allowing more than 40 feeds to be displayed
? Updated for SMF 2.0 RC1.2

Version 1.1.1
! 'Source' used HTML instead of BBCode for URL... doesn't work right if poster is non-admin (ScheduledTasks.php)
! Charset wasn't read properly (ScheduledTasks.php)
! Show feed even if it's board doesn't exist (ManageSettings.php)
! Feeds were being returned newest to oldest, instead of oldest to newest (Subs-Rss.php)
! Took into account <br> as well as <br /> in feeds (Subs-Rss.php)

Version 1.1.0
* Added a 'Source' bit at the bottom of each post (ManageSettings.php, RSSFeeds.template.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
* Add a footer to the bottom of the post after the feed content (ManageSettings.php, RSSFeeds.template.php, ScheduledTasks.php)
* Selectable message icons for each feed (ManageSettings.php, RSSFeeds.template.php)
+ Allow images in the posts by converting <img> tags to bbcode

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (applies to all versions past and present).
Manual installation info
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