Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 24, 2009, 01:55:05 AM
Last Updated
December 11, 2010, 06:31:17 AM

jQLightbox v0.6

A real lightbox feature to all images in your forum
Compatible With 2.0 RC4
Latest version v0.6
Downloads 8,102
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 35
License (View License)

jQLightbox v0.6
By Slinouille

The mod adds a real lightbox feature to all images in your forum.
jQLightbox mod uses:
- jQuery javascript library : - v1.4.2
- jQuery prettyPhoto pluggin from - 3.0

o Activation in admin control panel
o Nice lightbox effect
o Multiple images are displayed as a gallery
o Automatic image resize to fit the user's screen
o No conflict with other javascript libraries you could use
o Admin can parameter autoresize, padding on each side of picture, opacity, animation speed and a theme.

Simply install the package to install this modification on the SMF Default Core theme.
Manual edits will be required for other themes.

Note: If you want to use also AttachmentInMessage mod, please install "jQLightbox pluggin for AIM" mod after

This mod is compatible with SMF 2.0 RC4 Public and above only.

Installation with AttachmentsInMessage modification
If you want to use jQLightbox modification with AttachmentsInMessage mod, I recommand to first install AttachmentsInMessage and after jQLightbox.
After what, follow next instructions:
o Open Sources/Display.php
o Find line
$inlinedtext = '<a href="' . $attachment['href'] . ';image" id="link_' . $attachment['id'] . '" onclick="'. $attachment['thumbnail']['javascript']. '"><img src="'. $attachment['thumbnail']['href']. '" alt="" id="thumb_'. $attachment['id']. '" border="1" class="outsb" class="inlined_img" /></a>';
o Replace by
$inlinedtext = '<a href="' . $attachment['href'] . ';image" id="link_' . $attachment['id'] . '" rel="lightbox[gallery]"><img src="'. $attachment['thumbnail']['href']. '" alt="" id="thumb_'. $attachment['id']. '" border="1" class="outsb" class="inlined_img" /></a>';

Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.

Translations are welcome :-)

0.6.0 - 11th December 2010
o Compliance check with SMF 2.0 RC4.
o New theme "Facebook like"

0.5.0 - 22th March 2009
o Compatibility with other javascripts library tested (needed if using other SMF mods such as nneonneo's AJAX ShoutBox)

0.4.0 - 16th February 2009
o Correction of resizing functionality
o Some minor code optimization

0.3.0 - 16th February 2009
o 3 themes are available for lightbox
o Correcting undefined index errors in "Errors log"

0.2.0 - 29th January 2009
o Add some possible customizations of lightbox through admin panel

0.1.0 - 24th January 2009
o Initial release
119.30 KB
107.22 KB
Manual installation info
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