Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 29, 2009, 05:41:57 PM
Last Updated
January 01, 2013, 11:34:55 PM

Enhanced Profile Header v1.2.3

Enhance the top of the forum for registered users.
Compatible With 1.1.7, 1.1.8, 1.1.9, 1.1.10, 1.1.11, 1.1.17, 2.0 RC2
Latest version v1.2.3
Downloads 8,022
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 46
License (View License)

Enhanced Profile Header v1.2.3 - NIBOGO
Enhance the top of the forum for registered users.

Important Info:
o This Mod was created by - The #1 Website for the Customziation of your SMF. Provides Other Great Packages:
- Reason for Editing Mod.
- Yet Another Global Announcements Mod.
- SMF Social Groups.
- SMF Links Directory.
- SMF Downloads Directory.
- SMF Dynamic Directory.
- Advanced Topic Prefix Mod.
- Advanced Invitations System.
- Move Topic Notification.
- PM to New Members.
- Permissions Info.
- Next Post Level.
- Karma Buttons.
- SMF Multi Quote.
- Attachments in Topics.
- and much more visit us on

Author and Developer:

o New 'Show Own Posts' field
o New Personal Messages Info with this format: "Personal Messages : 1 messages, 0 are new"
o New Last Visit field
o New Links with 'Your Profile' 'Mark ALL messages as read' 'Logout'
o New My Stats Info with:
>> Your posts
>> Total Time Logged In
o New Forum Stats
>> Board info with this format: "11 posts in 4 topics by 3 members"
>> New Last User Info: "Please welcome [USERNAME], our newest member"

- 1.1.X
- 2.0 RC2

Special Thanks:
- live627 (Taked the mod for sometime - Previous Developer)


1.2.3 - January 31, 2010, 12:12:00 AM
o Bug fix

1.2.2 - January 30, 2009, 03:43:00 PM
o Bug fix

1.2 - 10th January 2010
o Takeover by live627.
o Updated for 2.0 RC2.
o 1.1.11 support tag added.

1.1 - 08th October 2008
o Added 1.1.10 support tag

1.0 - 12th December 2008
o Initial Release.
Manual installation info
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