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Package ID
First Created
February 02, 2009, 05:31:06 PM
Last Updated
November 17, 2017, 09:09:14 AM

Yet Another Global Announcements Mod (YAGAM) v2.7.5

Powerful global announcements system , with full control of every single global announcement.
Compatible With 2.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.14
Latest version v2.7.5
Downloads 11,306
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 111
License (View License)

Yet Another Global Announcements Mod -YAGAM- v2.7.5 - NIBOGO
Powerful global announcements system , with full control of every single global announcement , YAGAM for short.


o You can create unlimited global announcements.
o Support BBCODE and Smileys , with the powerful SMF WYSIWYG Editor
o You can allow comments for every announcement.
o Select in what board`s the announcement will appear or just select all the boards
o Set Permission for each announcement , based on membergroups
o Layout of the announcement as a normal topic.
o Simple and friendly admin panel for all the global announcements.
o You can enable/disable every announcement.
o Permission to manage and comment announcements.
o You can convert an announcement into a Topic, you choose the board and if the topic is sticky and locked.
    o Optionally you can convert the announcement's comments into replies of the new topic.
o You can convert a Topic into an Announcement and the replies into comments.
o Announcement Log, you can easily see who viewed the announcement.   
o Support for the Linktree.
o Support for the Who is online list , 'Viewing a Global Announcement'.
o Nice layout for the MessageIndex with a bar for the Global Announcements and another bar for the normal topics.
o Announcement Settings with some little options.
o Sort option based on the same Topic Sort options with subject , views and replies. Desc and Asc are supported.
o Force users to Read an Announcement if he didn't saw the announcement.
o Member Color Link Mod Support on MessageIndex and Announcement.
o SSI Functions with Announcement 'ssi_announcement(5)' and random announcement 'ssi_random_announcement()'.
o Easy manual installation , you can manually install the db with the db_yagam.php and the modifications with yagam_manual_edit.html.
o You will have an empty error log.
o Much more, a lot of interesting features.
o Support SMF 2.0 ONLY

Manual Edit:

YAGAM Manual Database Installation you only need to upload the file "db_yagam.php" and open the file on your browser:

Modified Files:

- /index.php
- /SSI.php
- /ssi_examples.shtml
- /Sources/ManagePermissions.php
- /Sources/MessageIndex.php
- /Sources/Admin.php
- /Sources/Display.php
- /Themes/default/Display.template.php
- /Themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php
- /Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php
- /Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english-utf8.php

Files Included:

- Announcements.php (Sources)
- AnnouncementsView.php (Sources)
- Subs-Announcements.php (Sources)
- Announcements.template.php (Template)
- AnnouncementsView.template.php (Template)
- Announcements.english.php (Languages)
- Announcements.english-utf8.php (Languages)
- db_yagam.php
- yagam_manual_edit.html

Planned Features:

o A lot of things added in the v2.0 so only bug fixing

- English/English UTF8.
- Spanish_es/Spanish_latin - Spanish_es-utf8/Spanish_latin-utf8.
- Dutch/Dutch UTF8 Translated by nuva.

- SMF 2.0

Special Thanks:
- Tango Icons Library: I am using an image of this icons library (Tango Icons License)


+ New Feature | - Feature Removed | * Changed | @ Important Info | ! Bug Fixed

Version 2.7.5 - November 17, 2017
* Better installation.

Version 2.7.4 - June 29, 2011
@ Updated for SMF 2.0

Version 2.7.3 - Apr 11, 2010
! Some additional errors in the Error Log
! Issue with the view profile permission
! Issue displaying IP's to Moderators
! Various error messages weren't loaded

Version 2.7.2 - Apr 10, 2010
! Fixed all the errors in the Error Log
! Fixed little issue with the random announcement ssi function
* Some little tweaks to the announcements on index

Version 2.7 - Mar 09, 2010
+ All the templates has been re-writted for the best Curve Experience.
+ Added SMF 2.0 RC3 Support.
+ Added Massive Quick Delete in the Announcements Admin Panel.
+ Added Spellchecker Support (Only if it's enabled in the SMF Admin Panel).
! Fixed some XHTML Validation Errors.
! Fixed Permission Verification for non-admins Deleting Announcements.
@ A lot of code has been optimized.

Version 2.6 - Jan 18, 2010
- Fixed issue with the Announcements Permissions.
- Fixed issue with Announcements Replies.
- Added Option to Convert Topic into Announcements.

Version 2.5 - Jan 08, 2010
- Added Additional Curve Support viewing an Announcement (Now we have corners like Curve).
- Little tweaks to the Add Comment Form, Now everything is centered, added support for shortcuts and the Add Comment button now has a better style.
- Added Comments Pages.
- Added option to convert comments into replies in the Make Topic Page.
- Modded all the Installation Script now added Support for PostgreSQL and SQLite plus now using the SMF 2.0 Standards and fixed a bug loading the Curve Stylesheet.
- Added a new checkbox to easily select all the membergroups when we are adding/editing announcements.
- Changed a lot of queries.
- Changed some codes to make the mod a little bit faster and most importantly with a better semanthic.
- Now when you delete an announcement, the comments and log of this announcements in deleted too.
- Fixed fatal error in the SSI.php Edit.
- Fixed missed space in the MessageIndex on Announcements Comments.
- Fixed additional bugs with the Comments as Regular Posts.
- The Announcement Log is Back now loading the users posts and now it comes with the Curve Style.
- Updated the YAGAM Version Page.

Version 2.4 - Jan 06, 2010
- Changed the Comments Layout now they look like a normal post.
- Now YAGAM is HTML Valid. This fix several issues with other mods and themes.
- Fixed errors in the Error Log.
- Removed the Pretty Urls Rule (it wasn't necessary and it wasn't update it with the last release of Pretty Urls).
- Removed the Announcement Log (Has some issues, nobody find it useful and the code is now smaller).
- Added Color to the Announcements Background (You can changed looking for .yagam on the /Curve/css/index.css file).
- Enhanced some queries with the SMF 2.0 Style.

Version 2.3 - Nov 25, 2009
- Fixed issue with the Force Read Announcement on Login.
- Fixed issue with the new Curve Layout on MessageIndex.

Version 2.2 - Nov 11, 2009
- Added Support for SMF 2.0 RC2.
- Added Support for Curve!
- Changed the Support Website now YAGAM is Powered by
- Fixed little issue with a string in English.

Version 2.1 - Oct 08, 2009
- Fixed permission bug (Thanks to Mr_Dark)
- Fixed blank page bug
- Fixed wrong string on messageindex (Reported by haerde)
- Fixed issue uploading the AnnouncementView.php and AnnouncementView.template.php files

Version 2.0 [Big Upgrade] - May 29, 2009
- A lot of changes in all the code, structure and files, too many changes to be listed here.
- Fixed more bugs.
- Added Sort Options based on the Same Topics Sort Options .
- Added Support for Member Color Link Mod on MessageIndex.
- Added Announcement Log (View who see the Announcement).
- Added Force Users to Read Announcement after Login.
- Added some improvements to the linktree and Pages Title.
- Cleaned the code of the MessageIndex Edit.
- Fixed some minor additional bugs.
- Added Global Announcements Settings with some options.
- Added Support for Sticky Topics Bar with Global Announcements and Normal Topic.
- Pretty Urls Support.
- Changed the Panel Administration now with the SMF Admin Section Layout.
- Added YAGAM Version Panel.
- Added SSI Functions with Announcement 'ssi_announcement(5)' and random announcement 'ssi_random_announcement()'.
- Much more, So many things to be included in this changelog

Version - Feb 23, 2009
- Fixed more bugs with the new URL Style
- Changed the admin.php editing with a new position of the YAGAM Panel and Add Global Announcement subsection
- More, more and yet more bug fixing

Version 1.1.6 - Feb 23, 2009
- Fixed the Linktree and Redirect Bugs with the new URL Style
- Changed all the ManagePermissions Edit , Now the guest can comment too (with the permission of course) and the Manage YAGAM is an Administrative Permission

Version 1.1.5 - Feb 23, 2009
- Fixed Permission Bug for non-Admin Users and YAGAM Manager
- Changed all the functions of the mod (You only can see this in the code) :P
- Added Support for the Member Color Link Mod
- Changed the View Global Announcement url style from this:;sa=view;id=8

to this:;aid=8

Version 1.1.4 - Feb 17, 2009
- '292' Bug Fixed
- Fixed the bug with the String deleting a comment
- Fixed the bug "Fatal error: Call to undefined function template_control_richedit() in /Sources/Load.php(1944) : eval()'d code on line 538"
- Fixed some minor additional Bugs
- Fixed Bug with the YAGAM Version on the Package Manager

Version 1.1.3 - Feb 16, 2009
- Fixed the bug with automatic redirect for non-yagam manage permission membergroups
- Fixed the bug with an error on IE7 "Operation aborted"
- Fixed the bug with the Linktree on announcement view
- Added linktree on Comment Edit
- Added WYSIWYG on Add Comment and Edit Comment

Version 1.1.2 - Feb 14, 2009
- Added Spanish_es , Spanish_latin , Swedish (Nas) , German (CvH) and Turkish (Özgür´) all with UTF-8 (less Swedish)
- New ManagePermission Edit , for compatibility with other mods
- Fixed the bug with multiple "Global Announcement" Bar reporte by mgrmgrin this post
- Fixed the bug "undefined index error in error log.[$sourcedir/Announcements.php ~ line 338]" reported by Yagiz... in this post

Version 1.0 - Feb 10, 2009
- Modification Release
45.64 KB
Manual installation info
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