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First Created
April 09, 2009, 03:54:01 PM
Last Updated
December 11, 2010, 06:35:43 AM

Resize Images To Fit Screen v0.1.6

This mod permits to proportionally scale all images to fit the user's screen size.
Compatible With 2.0 RC4
Latest version v0.1.6
Downloads 8,759
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 29
License (View License)

Resize Images to Fit Screen v0.1.6
By Slinouille

This mod permits to fit all images added in a post to the user's screen size.
jQLightbox mod uses:
- jQuery javascript library : - v1.4.2
- jQuery imagefit pluggin : - v0.2

o Ability to fit embended images in message to the user's screen size.
o Administrator can define the theme elements on which the mod has to "work". See next paragraph for more details.
  This is usefull for custom themes for example.
In v0.2 has been introduced the possibility for the administrator to customize this mod in order to adapt its action on the used theme.
So 2 optional settings exist:
o Container: this is the container (or containers) inside which you want images to resize. In default SMF2 theme, it is div id "#forumposts".
o Image: this is the image classes or ids on which the mod will realize the resize. By default, the value is set at ".bbc_img".

For multiple elements, use comma ( , ) to separate elements.
Always use the prefix for div and class (prefix for div is #, and prefix for class is . (dot))

Simply install the package to install this modification on the SMF Default Core theme.
Manual edits will be required for other themes.

This mod is compatible with SMF 2.0 RC4 Public and above only.

Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.

0.1.6 - 11th December 2010
o Compliance with SMF2 RC4

0.1.5 - 15th March 2009
o Imagefit pluggin has been improved for permiting elements selection
o Customization available

0.1 - 24th March 2009
o Initial release
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