Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
May 24, 2009, 04:59:08 PM
Last Updated
June 29, 2009, 03:12:56 PM

Your Last Visit v1.1

With this MOD will be displayed the date/time the last visited in the Profile Header
Compatible With 1.1.9, 2.0 RC1-1
Latest version v1.1
Downloads 4,090
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 9
License (View License)
MOD Your Last Visit v1.1

  • Author:
  • Version:
  • Release:
24th May 2009
  • Languages:

  • Compatible With:
SMF 1.1.1 - 1.1.9
SMF 2 RC1-1

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  • With this MOD will be displayed the date/time the last visited in the Profile Header.
  • Also, will be displayed in the Profile.
  • The 'Last Visited' date, will be hidden (for normal members) if the member has hidden his online status
  • Extra: the 'Last Active' date, also will be hidden if the member has hidden his online status

Note 1: The date/time 'Last Visited' is different to 'Last Active'.
Note 2: At the moment install the MOD, the 'Last Visited' don't exists, and isn't shows. After the next visit or logout, the 'Last Visited' will be shows.

Thanks to Blinker for idea.


Languages (normal & utf-8)

$txt['your_last_visit'] = 'You last visited:';
$txt['last_visit'] = 'Last Visit';

I welcome new translations here



  • Con este MOD será mostrada la fecha de tu última visita en el Perfil de Cabecera.
  • También se mostrará en el Perfil de Usuario.
  • La 'Última Visita' se ocultará (para miembros normales) si el usuario ha activado 'ocultarle a otros usuarios que está conectado'.
  • Extra: La fecha 'Última vez Activo' también ocultará (para miembros normales) si el usuario ha activado 'ocultarle a otros usuarios que está conectado'.

Nota 1: La 'Última Visita' es diferente a 'Última vez Activo'.
Nota 2: Al momento de instalar el MOD no habrá ninguna 'Última Visita' registrada, por lo que no se mostrará. Luego de la próxima visita o cierre de sesión, la 'Última Visita' se mostrará.




QuoteVersion 1.0 - 24th May 2009
   o Initial release.
   o Will be displayed the date/time the last visited in the Profile Header.
   o Compatible with SMF 1.1.X & SMF 2RC-X
Version 1.1 - 29th June 2009
   ! Fix bug, last visit date incorrect after login - Thanks Blinker by report
   + Also the last visit is displayed in the profile - Thanks Jessikard by idea
   o In the profile, the 'last visit' date will be hidden if the member has hidden his online status.
   * Extra: also the 'last active' date will be hidden if the member has hidden his online status.
   + English, English_British, Spanish_Es, Spanish_Latin and Greek in the package
   ? Unistall and ReInstall - Isn't neccesary re-edit yours custom templates files

   o Feature
   * Change
   + Added
   - Eliminated
   ! Bug Fixed
   ? How to Update
Manual installation info
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