Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
May 27, 2009, 10:14:21 AM
Last Updated
October 01, 2013, 04:31:53 AM

Board Notification Mod v1.2.2

Board notifcation notfies on new topics AND new posts
Compatible With 1.1.9, 1.1.10, 1.1.11, 1.1.13, 1.1.16, 1.1.18, 2.0.2, 2.0.4, 2.0.5
Latest version v1.2.2
Downloads 5,506
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 36
License (View License)
This mod targets the following mod requests: (kind of)


Actual state:

User will get notified of new posts if subscribed to the corresponding topic.
User will get notified of new topics if subscribed to the corresponding board.

Target state:

User will get notified of new posts if subscribed to the corresponding topic.
User will get notified of new topics and new posts if subscribed to the corresponding board.

Additional information:
Some examples to make sure no one gets confused of the wording:

A "board" is this:

A "topic" is this:

A "post" is an entry made in an existing topic.

Additional features:
- Username of the user is included in the board notificatin email

- In the version 1.0 state this mod should only be used on small, closed forums to avoid email flodding!
This issue is targeted with version 1.1 of the mod. It adds a new permission 'Request notification on new replies for subscribed boards'
to restrict the use of the mod to certain user groups. Per default the mod is now only active for admins and moderators.
- The mod contains language specific files for english and german. I appreciate if someone would contact me for further translations.
- Supported languages for SMF 2 are: english, english-utf8, german, german-utf8, french

Read the contained readme.txt for more information.

Change Log:

Version 1.2.2
* SMF 2: Support for english-utf8

Version 1.2.1
* French translations by gho for the SMF 2 part

Version 1.2.0
* Compatibility with SMF 2 (without the French and Spanish translations which have to be redone, the German translation is included)

Version 1.1.6
* Compatibility with SMF 1.1.11 and upgrade possibility from Mod version 1.1.5 (if you installed SMF 1.1.11 before uninstalling the mod).

Version 1.1.5
! Notifications were partly doubled because of the fix in 1.1.4 (board + topic notification), now if board notifications were sent, no topic notification is sent for the member
! Author was not included in the english version for new topics

Version 1.1.4
! Topic notifications were not sent anymore when someone had a board notification on on a board in which the topic was located

Version 1.1.3
* Compatibility with SMF 1.1.10
+ Spanish translations are now skipped if not available

Version 1.1.2
* Spanish translations by videoed

Version 1.1.1
* French translations by GravuTrad

Version 1.1
* Added the new permission 'mark_notify_more' aka 'Request notification on new replies for subscribed boards' to restrict the use of the mod to certain user groups. Per default the mod is now only active for admins and moderators.
? As I needed to add database data for this I added the file 'uninstall_db.php' which had to be executed manually for a complete deinstallation. Reason: There may be users who want to re-install the mod without losing the database data for it.

Version 1.0
* Release

* = New feature
+ = Improved feature
! = Fixed bug
? = Other stuff
Manual installation info
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