Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
June 14, 2009, 05:42:48 PM
Last Updated
December 13, 2010, 02:48:10 AM

Good Post/Bad Post Mod v2.0.4

Allow users to vote posts (hiding posts when they score low enough & affecting a poster's Respect).
Compatible With 1.1.9, 1.1.11, 1.1.12, 2.0 RC3, 2.0 RC4
Latest version v2.0.4
Downloads 13,996
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 98
License (View License)
Good Post/Bad Post Mod
This Mod will add post voting to your forum in a user-moderated fashion. The outcome is a bit of help to the forum moderators, with the nice extra that it resembles democracy a little. It gives members and moderators a general idea of who's a worthy poster and who isn't.

Version 2.0.4a (installer updated) - December 13 2010
Russian admins should redownload and reinstall this mod if they installed v2.0.4 before. The installer fixes the broken language strings.
Version 2.0.4 - December 11 2010
  • Now supporting SMF 2 RC4.
  • Added: Russian and Russian UTF-8 translations.
Version 1.1.3 (installer updated) now supporting SMF 1.1.12.

The following features are supported in SMF 1.1.x and SMF 2 RC3+:

  • Post voting, either up or down. One vote per post per member.
  • Posts voted below a given number are hidden. ("Bad posts")
  • "Respect" is displayed for each member both in posts and in profile. Respect is the sum of all received post votes. (Pseudo Karma system)
  • Members choose to either hide Bad posts, or grey them out, or none and display them normally.
  • Members may view hidden posts.
  • New statistics tracked: Top 10 Post Voters & 10 Most Respected members.
  • Toggle post voting by board.
  • Customizable: Membergroup permissions include "Vote a post", and "View hidden posts". Bad post hiding/greying-out/bypassing are also theme settings.
  • Configurable settings: The post-hiding score, toggle Respect display and toggle new Stats display.
  • Works either with or without Javascript enabled (includes AJAX post voting).
New in GP/BP v2.0!
SMF 2 RC3+ installations also support these features:

  • More voting button sets.
  • Toggle voters lists to see who voted a post (and what was the vote).
  • Option: disable negative votes.
  • Option: Minimum post count required to vote.
  • Toggle "Messages of the week", a list of the top voted messages of the last days placed at the Info center.
  • Admin tools: powerful vote search feature. Edit votes, post scores, member's Respect values. Recount totals.
  • Admin info: All GP/BP actions taken at the Administration panel are now logged. (Requires "Moderation, Administration and User Logs" enabled at the Core features to view logged actions.)

Languages supported
GP/BP v2.0+ is currently supporting these languages:

  • English
  • English UTF-8
  • Spanish (LA) and Spanish (LA UTF-8)
  • Russian and Russian UTF-8 (courtesy of Bugo)
GP/BP v1.1.3 is currently supporting these languages:

  • English
  • English UTF-8
  • Spanish (LA) and Spanish (LA UTF-8)
  • Turkish and Turkish UTF-8 (courtesy of Php Coder Turkish)
  • French and French UTF-8 (courtesy of kakanika)

A note to SMF 1.1.9+ Admins

The mod version for SMF 1.1.9+ is currently and will remain effectively at GP/BP v1.1.3 (without features from following updates). It was released as a legacy version in simpathy to the SMF 1.1.9 Admins, but support will only be provided in the case that a new SMF 1.1.x version breaks it.
If you want to install this mod for SMF 1.1.x, please download GP/BP v1.1.3. GP/BP 2.0+ does NOT support SMF 1.1.x installations.

Please take them to the support thread.
Manual installation info
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