Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
June 19, 2009, 12:07:00 PM
Last Updated
April 29, 2010, 05:47:46 PM

InfoBox v0.3

This mod allows you to add -sticker- for your post.
Compatible With 1.1.11, 2.0 RC3
Latest version v0.3
Downloads 4,526
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 33
License (View License)
This mod allows you to add "sticker" for your post.
Look at

Or Look at here from floated box..

You can use this styles =>

[info] = > 300px width, right float, 250px min height, #dadada border
You can use this variantacions [info width=xxx] ,  [info height=xxx] , [info float=xxx] , [info border=xxx]

Width : must be a number, (Box width)
float : must be left, right or none
border : must be color code like (#000000) or color name (black) (box border color)
height : must be number (Box height)
2.86 KB
Manual installation info
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