Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
August 28, 2009, 02:11:58 PM
Last Updated
June 05, 2019, 02:03:57 PM

Word Count Limits v1.4 RC

Allows the admin to set per-board optional minimum and maximum word count limits
Compatible With 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.15, 2.1 RC2
Latest version v1.4 RC
Downloads 2,912
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 11
License (View License)
Original Mod Author: Arantor 

As requested in

This allows the admin to set a minimum and/or maximum number of words to be present in a post before allowing it to be accepted, e.g. minimum of 20 words in the post.

* allows both individual minimum and maximum, and 'off' limits - 0 = no limit, up to 10000 on either limit (you can set a maximum of 10,000 words for example)
* discounts numbers entirely
* treats punctuation (except ') as word breaking, e.g. two-worded is treated as two words
* considers words as 3 characters or more
* configurable on a per board level

HTML and BBcode is not considered.

Version history:
1.4 RC - 05 June 2019
Removed 1.1 support
Added 2.1 RC 2 support
Quoted posts no longer included in word count total

1.3b - 11 June 2011
Added 2.0 support
Removed 2.0 RC5 support.

1.3a - 13 February 2011
Added 2.0 RC5 support
Removed 2.0 RC4 support.

1.3 - November 2010
Added 2.0 RC4 support
Removed 2.0 RC3 support.
Added Turkish Translations

1.2 - 9 March 2010
Added 2.0 RC3 support
Removed 2.0 RC 1.2 and 2.0 RC2 support.
Added Russian Translations

1.1 - 1 November 2009
Provided compatibility for older PHP/PCRE combinations
Added 2.0 RC2 support

1.0 - August 31, 2009
First public release

Beta - August 28, 2009
Beta release
Manual installation info
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