Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
September 13, 2009, 04:13:47 PM
Last Updated
December 27, 2009, 03:03:08 PM

More Genders v1.0.1

Allow more genders than male or female
Compatible With 1.1.10, 2.0 RC1.2, 2.0 RC2, 1.1.11
Latest version v1.0.1
Downloads 2,601
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 7
License (View License)
More Genders
by Motoko-chan

SMF has supported the selection of your gender since it was released, but only
recognized two genders: male and female.

However, not everyone uses these labels, and with gender reassignment, labels
have become a bit more complex.

This modification allows the selection of more genders. Currently, it supports
transgendered (both ways) and intersexual as additional options. If more are
brought to my attention, they will be added as well.

This mod and other information can be found at:

- Add support for more than two genders.

Known Issues
- The Male/Female ratio stastic will be inaccurate due to the way SMF
  determines the genders for this stastic.

How to Use
Additional genders to select will be avilable in the profile area.

This code is licensed under the terms of the Simple Machines License. All
original code is copyright Michael Johnson.
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