Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
October 12, 2009, 05:15:17 PM
Last Updated
September 19, 2023, 12:43:01 AM

Buddy Page v2.1

Adds a page to display buddies and other information into the forum
Compatible With 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.6, 2.0.12, 2.0.13, 2.0.14, 2.0.15
Latest version v2.1
Downloads 6,037
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 21
License (View License)
Buddy Page

Original Author: Arantor
SMF Version: 2.0.x
Mod Version: 2.1

This mod adds a Buddy Page to the main tab listing, so you can see all your buddies in one place.
Additionally if the admin enables it in permissions, you can see if your buddies also have you marked as a buddy and even whether you and your buddies have other buddies in common.

Thanks to the FamFamFam icon set, for the online/offline icon.

2.1 - 28 July, 2013
Updated to add support for Default Avatar Mod (Thanks to Joker)
Fixed some minor bugs

2.0 - December 28, 2012
Taken Over by Runic
Updated for 2.0.X

1.2 - November 9, 2009
Minor compatibility fix for RC2 public.

1.1 - October 31, 2009
Update for RC2 compatibility

1.0 - October 15, 2009
First release

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Manual installation info
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