Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
October 16, 2009, 02:54:48 PM
Last Updated
August 08, 2010, 11:30:42 PM

Nintendo Emulator - vNES Integration Version 2.2 (upto 5 roms at once) v2.5

Play NES on your forum easily
Compatible With 2.0 RC1.2, 2.0 RC3
Latest version v2.5
Downloads 4,103
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 11
License (View License)
This mod embeds a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) emulator into your forum.

Once you have legally obtained your ROM you can upload them anywhere (even outside of your hosts server)
then simply go to the modifications area in admin panel and set the link to the rom right there.
You will also need to enter the size of the rom (bytes). Which can be easily got by checking the properties of the file in your OS.
Refer to Image.

Simple Click the vNES button (after settings applied) and you will be able to play your ROM with your keyboard.
Key legend is on the page under game play area.

Permissions are available for the vNES page, so you can choose which member groups have rights to see and use it.
I also added an entry so when someone is viewing who's online Playing vNES appears in the list.
Failure to LEGALLY obtain ROMs could result in law suites against your site and webhost.

To support my mods, please use the following link to download the mod, the mod will still be downloaded from the mod site
Also, if you would like to donate, click the paypal below :)



Cleaned up the Permissions area.
Add vNES its own configuration page in modification area.
Added the Rom name to the permissions area (So you can see which roms your
giving permission to use without having to check back.
Added Game Names (Game title) in Who's Online list.

Fixed some Permission Issues, You can now have individual permissions for each rom.

Added Current Activity code to Subs.php, this makes sure that the vnes button is selected when playing any of the 5 roms.
Fixed the italic text on the misc modification admin panel.

Added support for 5 easily accessible roms to be used, selected from the vnes drop-down menu
Added some default settings, thus to not cause any forum errors.
Upgraded for RC3 (used to fail on who.english.php).

1st release.
135.08 KB
135.23 KB
135.59 KB
139.12 KB
Manual installation info
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