Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
November 29, 2009, 02:12:48 PM
Last Updated
December 17, 2009, 10:29:40 AM

Extended Registration Notifications v0.9

Notify additional members of new registrations
Compatible With 2.0 RC2
Latest version v0.9
Downloads 1,922
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 7
License (View License)
This modification adds the option to send registration notifications to members regardless of their permissions, specified in the Registration Settings area. 

To navigate there: Admin -> Registration -> Settings.

In the Registration Settings area you will see a new option, "Notify additional members when a new member joins". This is where you specify which members to send notifications to. It takes advantage of SMF 2.0's auto complete feature so you can easily find the members you want and have them listed nicely. 

For SMF 1.1.x users try Select Admin for Notifications. A very similar mod created by Sarge.

For any questions, suggestions or bug reports do not hesitate to post in the support thread.

Thank you, I hope this mod is of good use to you.
- Robbo

Version 0.9
    - Initial Release
Manual installation info
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