Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 04, 2010, 01:30:32 PM
Last Updated
January 03, 2011, 11:56:56 PM

Back to Top v1.1

Back to Top adds an anchor at the top of the index, and a link at the footer of every page.
Compatible With 1.1.11, 2.0 RC2, 2.0 RC3
Latest version v1.1
Downloads 4,037
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 13
License (View License)
Back to Top

Written by: Labradoodle-360
Current version: 1.1
Updates: Mod Support Topic
Suitable for: SMF 1.1.11, SMF 2.0 RC2, SMF 2.0 RC3
Supported languages:

Link to Mod | Donate


Back to Top adds an anchor to the top of index.template.php and a link in the footer of every page. Back to Top v1.1 now has the ability to toggle smoothscroll!


Package Manager should work in most cases. If you need to make any edits, the full list can be obtained from the Parse function on the right..

Useful links
Manual Installation Of Mods
How Do I Modify Files?


Questions should be address to the mod support topic.


Version 1.1 adds it's own mod tab for toggling smoothscroll (SMF 2.0 Only), for SMF 1.1, the setting is added to Features and Options.
Mod is not utf-8 compatible.


1.1 - 03.10.2010
Version 1.1 Released!

1.0 - 4 January 2010
First release of Back to Top

Files modified by Back to Top
./Sources/Admin.php (SMF 2.0 Only)
./Sources/ManageSettings.php (SMF 2.0 Only)
./Sources/ModSettings.php (SMF 1.1 Only)
smoothscroll.js added to either $themedir or $themedir/scripts depending on version of SMF.

Smoothscroll JavaScript: The smoothscroll.js file is from
Manual installation info
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