Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 22, 2010, 11:47:22 PM
Last Updated
August 08, 2011, 07:41:58 PM

Hide Signatures from Guests v2.0

This mod simply hides members signatures from guests viewing topics.
Compatible With 1.1.14, 2.0
Latest version v2.0
Downloads 1,535
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 7
License (View License)
Hide Signatures from Guests

Written by: Miss All sunday
Current version: 2.0
Suitable for: SMF 1.1.x, SMF 2.0 x


Hide Signatures from Guests hides all signatures from guests. Members still see signatures.


Just install the mod with the packager manage, no settings, no text strings, just install and enjoy ^^


Questions should be address to the mod support topic.


1.0 - 26 January 2011
-The mod is now source edit only, it will work with all themes.

1.0 - 22 January 2010
First release of Hide Signatures from Guests

Files modified by Hide Signatures from Guests
Manual installation info
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