Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 24, 2010, 04:42:59 PM
Last Updated
December 14, 2022, 11:05:03 AM

Anti-Spam Links v1.0.2

Anti-Spam Links Adds some new settings based on postcounts to help curb link spammers.
Compatible With 2.0 RC5, 2.0.7, 2.0.15, 2.0.17, 2.0.19
Latest version v1.0.2
Downloads 8,019
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 49
License (View License)
Anti-Spam Links

Original Author: JBlaze | Current Author: SMF Customization Team
Supported Languages: English
Link to Mod | Mod Discussion | Other SMF Customization Team Mods

For SMF 2.0.x

Adds some new settings based on post counts to help curb link spammers.

Adds some new settings based on post counts to help curb link spammers.
- No links
- Links set [nonactive] and with newbielink:
- Links set [nofollow] so no pagerank
- Guest setting
EXCLUDES links, so only use on any part of * ;)

Translations for other languages are welcome. Please post the translated language strings in the Support Topic.

Any previous versions of this mod MUST be uninstalled BEFORE installing this version.

Simply install the package to install on the SMF Default Core Theme ONLY.

Manual edits will be required for ALL themes (other than SMF Default Core Theme) which have a custom MessageIndex.template.php and/or Display.template.php

If your theme has its own versions of the language files Modifications.english.php and/or Modifications.english-utf8.php, OR if you're using a language other than those supported (listed above) by the mod then you will need to copy the language strings into each custom version of those files.

Useful Links
Manual Installation Of Mods
How Do I Modify Files?

Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.s

Version 1.0.2 - 7/19/2020
!Fixes install on modifications.english-utf8.php

Version 1.1 - 6/12/09
  Initial Release

Copyright (c) 2020 Simple Machines, under BSD 3-Clause License.
All rights reserved.
Manual installation info
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