Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
February 05, 2010, 04:53:55 PM
Last Updated
November 29, 2011, 11:11:03 PM

Remove images from Quotes v1.6

Remove images from quotes
Compatible With 2.0.1
Latest version v1.6
Downloads 2,468
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 25
License (View License)
Remove Images from quotes

This modification is based on the [TIP] by Heavyccasey on the support forum.

This mod removes images from quoted text and leaves a link to the image.
Clicking the link restores the removed image.

Version History:
1.6 Updated for 2.0.1+
1.5 Checked with 2.0
1.4 Final installer bug fix.
1.3 Minor bug fix on installer.
1.2 Included Skip for Language support and corrected code for xHtml validation.
1.1 Included reference to text in modifications list and Skip on error for language english_british.
1.0 Mod tested and working on two forums.

Please use the support link if required.


Chas Large
November 2011
Manual installation info
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