Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
March 15, 2010, 11:22:12 AM
Last Updated
September 22, 2023, 10:29:55 PM

SimpleDesk v2.1.3 Hooks only

A helpdesk solution for Simple Machines Forums
Compatible With 2.0, 2.0.19, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4
Latest version v2.1.3
Downloads 7,399
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 60
License BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License (View License)

A helpdesk solution for Simple Machines Forums

SimpleDesk provides a fully-integrated, ticket-based helpdesk solution with the capability to have the forum and have full ticket-to-topic-and-back functionality, or run in a stand-alone mode. SimpleDesk follows a rapid development cycle focusing on adding a few features at a time and releasing often.

SimpleDesk 2.1.0 is now stable for SMF 2.1.2 or higher. For a full list and descriptions of each feature, please refer to our website.
SMF 2.1 support
No modifications required for SMF 2.1 installs.
Full logging for all admin/moderation actions.
Custom ordering of blocks.
Changing ticket starter.
HTML 5 support.
Enforces UTF-8 support.
Previewing Canned replaces.
Code cleanup and alignment to best practices and various standards from PSR.
Ticket Management
Custom Ticket/Reply Fields
Email Notifications
Multiple Departments
Ticket Urgency Levels
Ticket Assignment
File attachments
Topic Management (ticket<->topic)
Ticket Relationships
Integrated Plugin System
Shutdown forum (Helpdesk only mode)

(And quite a bit more besides.)

Where can I get support?
In order to keep all support request gathered in one place, which ensures the best support we can give, we ask that any issues are posted on our community forum.

Who are The SimpleDesk Team?
SimpleDesk traces its roots back to the end of 2009 when a group of Customizers from the SMF Team agreed to collaborate on a mod for SMF. It was only one of a few initial ideas, but it proved to be the most useful of that group. With numerous requests for helpdesk mods from the SMF Community and's own need for better helpdesk software, the development of SimpleDesk would benefit a large number of people. Thus, SimpleDesk was born with a strong mission and clear objectives.

Since then, more people - both members of the Simple Machines Team as well as regular community members and friends - became interested in the idea and were invited to our SimpleDesk team. We also have an entire team of beta testers who ensure that we are able to release a quality helpdesk to our users.

For a full list of the people behind this modification, take a look at our team page.

How do I contribute to this project?
Contributing to SimpleDesk can be done in many ways. We are a free project and, as such, need all the help we can get. Right now, we are not taking any form of financial backing for our work, project or site. Our development, hosting, and infrastructure is all free.

If you want to help out with translation, beta testing or development, please visit our contribute section.
632.75 KB v2.0.1 2.1.3, 2.0, 2.0.19
423.54 KB v2.0.1 2.1.3, 2.0, 2.0.19
493.63 KB v2.1.3 2.1.4
717.75 KB v2.1.3 2.1.4
Manual installation info
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