Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
March 28, 2010, 11:29:28 AM
Last Updated
February 13, 2021, 11:35:22 AM

Enhancements to reattribute posts v1.5.11

Adds new options in "Administration Center > Forum Maintenance > Members > Reattribute User Posts"
Compatible With 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.5, 2.0.6, 2.0.7, 2.0.8, 2.0.9, 2.0.10, 2.0.11, 2.0.12, 2.0.13, 2.0.15, 2.0.17, 2.0.18, 2.1 Beta 3, 2.1 RC2, 2.1 RC3
Latest version v1.5.11
Downloads 5,675
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 19
License (View License)
Enhancements to reattribute posts


Enhancements to reattribute posts, 1.5.11
© 2010-2021 by davidhs
© English and British English language 2012 by sharks
© French language 2015 by El_ChiCo
© Portuguese for Brazil and Portugal language 2019 by Americano
© Russian language 2010-2011 by Bugo

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


New options added in "Administration Center > Forum Maintenance > Members > Reattribute User Posts":

  • Option to reattribute all guest posts regardless of username or email.
  • Specific posts to be reattributed based on post ID. Default value is all posts.
  • Define how old (with age or date) posts should be, in order to be reattributed to the registered member.
  • Posts can also be reattributed from registered members instead of the default option to reattribute guest posts only.

Without this MOD the forum has the default option to reattribute all posts by guests only.


  • SMF 2.0 to 2.0.18.
  • SMF 2.1 Beta 1 to Beta 3 and RC1 to RC3.


  • english, english_british.
  • french.
  • portuguese_brazilian, portuguese_pt.
  • russian (incomplete).
  • spanish_es, spanish_latin.


Link to MOD




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

You are free to share and adapt this MOD. Also you can collaborate in different ways:


Legend:   ! Fixed   + Added   - Removed   * Changed   @ Note

1.5.11  2021-02-13
! SMF 2.0.x: Do not use HTML entities in ISO-8859-1 languages.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.16-2.0.18 and 2.1 RC3.

1.5.10  2019-04-09
! SMF 2.1.x: Use HTML 5.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.1 RC1 to RC2.
! SMF 2.1.x: Languages: Only UTF-8 languages are used.
! Languages: Some language string in english, english-utf8, english_british, english_british-utf8, french, french-utf8.
+ Languages: portuguese_brazilian, portuguese_brazilian-utf8, portuguese_pt, portuguese_pt-utf8, thanks to Americano.

1.5.9   2017-12-19
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.12-2.0.15 and 2.1 Beta 1 to Beta 3.

1.5.8   2015-09-23
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.10-2.0.11.
+ Languages: french, french-utf8, thanks to El_ChiCo.
- Languages: spanish, spanish-utf8 (these are not used).

1.5.7   2014-10-06
! Error in JavaScript code.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.8-2.0.9.

1.5.6   2014-05-10
! Error in JavaScript code.
! Use HTML entities in non-UTF-8 languages.

1.5.5   2014-01-24
! Texts in languages.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.7.

1.5.4   2013-10-24
! Error in source code.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.6.

1.5.3   2013-08-18
@ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.5.
- SMF compatibility: Support to Beta and RC versions.

1.5.2   2013-04-06
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.4.

1.5.1   2012-12-21
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.3.

1.5     2012-11-10
+ Input radio button for reattribute all guest posts regardless of username or email.

1.4     2012-04-29
! The order of the buttons is not logical, moves checkbox button "Reattribute no guest posts" at the bottom.
! Languages: english, english-utf8, english_british, english_british-utf8, thanks to sharks.
+ Input text button for date of posts to be reattributed.
+ Warning messages if not enter email or username of guest posts to reassign or member to attribute posts.
+ Redirect to "Reattribute User Posts" area after install.

1.3.5   2011-12-24
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.2.

1.3.4   2011-09-22
+ Languages: New language string in russian, russian-utf8, thanks to Bugo.

1.3.3   2011-09-20
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.1.

1.3.2   2011-09-17
+ Explanation in input checkbox button for reattribute no guest posts.

1.3.1   2011-06-17
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.

1.3     2011-05-20
@ Renames this MOD as "Enhancements to reattribute posts".
! If input checkbox button for reattribute no guest posts is unchecked, only be reattributed guest posts.
+ Input text button for maximum age of posts to be reattributed.

1.2.3   2011-02-13
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0 RC5.

1.2.2   2011-01-16
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0 Beta 3.1 Public.

1.2.1   2010-11-06
! GUI of SMF 2.0 RC2 to RC3.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0 Beta 4, RC1 to RC1.2 and RC4.
+ Languages: english_british, english_british-utf8 (copy of english).
+ Languages: spanish, spanish-utf8 (copy of spanish_es).

1.2     2010-04-28
+ Auto suggest in input text button for guest name (it can be no guest).
+ Languages: russian, russian-utf8, thanks to Bugo.

1.1     2010-04-20
+ Input checkbox button for reattribute no guest posts.

1.0     2010-03-28
+ Input text button for post numbers to be reattributed.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0 RC2 to RC3.
+ Languages: english, english-utf8, spanish_es, spanish_es-utf8, spanish_latin, spanish_latin-utf8.
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