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Package ID
First Created
April 09, 2010, 10:38:57 AM
Last Updated
September 12, 2010, 03:56:44 AM

Repeating Events for Calendar v1.1

Add repeating events and the Moon Phases to your calendar
Compatible With 1.1.11
Latest version v1.1
Downloads 1,634
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 8
License (View License)
Repeating Events for Calendar 1.1

This is a SMF mod that will add repeating events and the Moon Phases to your calendar. It will also allow you to force a specific board for events that are linked to a posting.

To turn on/off the event posting control, go to Admin|Calendar and look for Force default board in events.
Click this option to force event posts to go to the default board.

To turn the display of the Moon Phases on/off, go to Admin|Calendar and scroll to the bottom of the list:

Display Moon phases: Turns the display of the Moon Phases on/off
Moon Phase text color: The color of the text used to display the Moon Phase info.

! This is recoded "Repeating Events for Calendar by Chris Curran" mod ( !


[email protected]
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