Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
April 27, 2010, 12:24:00 PM
Last Updated
February 25, 2021, 04:42:13 PM

Content of the latest posts v2.5.2

Shows in any post on the forum a list with the content of the latest posts, or an index of topics
Compatible With 1.1.13, 1.1.14, 1.1.15, 1.1.16, 1.1.17, 1.1.18, 1.1.19, 1.1.20, 1.1.21, 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.5, 2.0.6, 2.0.7, 2.0.8, 2.0.9, 2.0.10, 2.0.11, 2.0.15, 2.0.17, 2.0.18, 2.1 Beta 3, 2.1 RC2, 2.1 RC3
Latest version v2.5.2
Downloads 4,276
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 12
License (View License)
Content of the latest posts


Content of the latest posts, 2.5.2
© 2010-2021 by davidhs
© Russian language 2010-2011 by Bugo

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


The MOD ContentOfLatestPosts can show in any post on the forum a list with the content of the latest posts. The content to be displayed is sorted by date and grouped by board. It is also defined by several parameters:

  • Header: BBC of header of the list. Can be used the following variables:

    • {TITLE} - Title of list.
    • {TYPE} - Content type.
    • {BOARDURL} - URL to forum folder.
    • {SCRIPTURL} - Web address of forum.
    • {IMAGES_URL} - URL to the images folder in the users current theme.
    • {DEFAULT_IMAGES_URL} - URL to the images folder in the default theme.
    After replaced the variables, if text begins with "http://" or "https://" is supposed to be the URL of an image.
  • Content type: Can show the content of the post (post text and attachments; the default option), only the text, only the subject or only some information in the post (attachments, links, eLinks or images).
  • Group posts: Results can be grouped by board, by first character of subject or not grouped. Default are grouped by board.
  • Letters of group (if posts are grouped by first character of subject): The groups used are: symbols, numbers and one group for each letter of the language alphabet of the forum. For other alphabets must be write all letters (or combinations of characters) comma separated.
  • Grouping ignoring the subject prefix (if posts are grouped by first character of subject): Prefix of subject which will not be take into account when grouping posts. If there are several prefixes comma separating them. Default prefix is not defined.
  • Show boards (if posts are not grouped by board): Indicates if are displayed boards. Default is displayed.
  • Show icon: Indicates if is displayed icon of posts. Default is displayed.
  • Show subject (if content type is not subject): Indicates if is displayed subject of posts. Default is displayed.
  • Show poster: Indicates if is displayed poster of posts. Default is displayed.
  • Show content (if content type is not all, post or subject): Indicates if is displayed content of posts. Default is displayed.
  • Format: Format (created with HTML, BBC or PHP) to use when the content is displayed.
    At the beginning and at the ending of each group of contents can be added a text who modify the default format. Can be used the following variables:

    • {TYPE_CODE} - Code with the content type.
    • {TYPE_TXT} - String with the content type.
    • {BOARDURL} - URL to forum folder.
    • {SCRIPTURL} - Web address of forum.
    • {IMAGES_URL} - URL to images folder in the users current theme.
    • {DEFAULT_IMAGES_URL} - URL to the images folder in the default theme.
    Also can be modify the format when the content of each message is displayed. Can be used the previous variables, and the following:

    • {ICON_URL} - URL to the icon.
    • {SUBJECT} - Subject.
    • {ID_POSTER} - ID of the poster.
    • {POSTER_NAME} - Poster name.
    • {POSTER_TIME} - Date posted.
    • {CONTENT} - HTML code with content.
    • {ID_MSG} - ID of the message.
    • {ID_TOPIC} - ID of the topic.
    • {ID_BOARD} - ID of the board.
    • {ID_FIRST_MSG} - ID of the first message of topic.
  • Links to boards: Boards to which belongs each content is show in a navigation tree. May have link to all boards (the default option), only to last level or to none.
  • Boards: Posts consulted may belong to the current board (the board of post which shows the list; the default option), any board (except board of deleted posts), a single board or several boards.
  • Include child boards: Indicates if are consulted posts of child boards and until level. Default is not included.
  • Order by: Content can be order by descending date or ascending subject. Default is descending date.
  • Maximum number of posts by group: Indicates the maximum number of posts shown by group. Default is unlimited.
  • Maximum number of posts by topic: Indicates the maximum number of posts shown by topic. Default is unlimited.
  • Maximum age: Indicates the maximum number of days old of the content. Default is 0 days (shows only content posted today).
  • Only unread posts: Posts consulted can be all (the default option), only recent unread topics, all unread topics or only updated topics.
  • Date consulted: The age can be calculated with the creation date (the default option) or the last modification date of post. If content of posts often be corrected, it may be best to use the last modification date.
  • Sticky topics: Indicates if the content is searched in all topics (the default option), only in sticky topics or only in non-sticky topics.
  • Locked topics: Indicates if the content is searched in all topics (the default option), only in locked topics or only in unlocked topics.
  • First post of topic: Indicates if the content is searched on the first post of topics (the default option) or not.
  • Replies of topic: Indicates if the content is searched on the replies of topics (the default option) or not.
  • Posts with subject prefix: Subject prefix of post where the content is searched. Default prefix is not defined.
  • Posts without subject prefix: Subject prefix of post where the content is not searched. Default prefix is not defined.

Can be created an index of topics using at least these parameters:

  • Group posts: By first character of subject.
  • Show subject: Yes.
  • Show content: No.
  • Order by: Ascending subject.
  • Maximum age: 999999999.
  • Only unread posts: No.
  • First post of topic: Yes.
  • Replies of topic: No.

Administration panel

In administration panel can set the default value for each parameter.

Can also create predefined lists, each with its parameters and header BBC.


BBC tag

To display a list of content of the latest posts you have to write the BBC tag:

[contentlatest predefined=... type=... group=... boards_link=... boards=... child_boards=... number_by_group=... number_by_topic=... age=... unread=... date=... sticky=... locked=...]text[/contentlatest]

Attributes, all optional, are:

  • predefined: Predefined list number.
  • type: Type of content. Permitted values: all (all), post (post), subject (subject), attachment (attachments), link (links), elink (eLinks), image (images).
  • group: Group posts. Permitted values: no (no), board (by board), character (by first character of the subject).
  • boards_link: Links to boards. Permitted values: all (yes, all), parent (yes, only last level), no (no).
  • boards: Boards. Permitted values: current (current board), all (all), comma separated boards numbers.
  • child_boards: Include child boards. Permitted values: 0 (not include), number (maximum level to be included), all (all levels).
  • number_by_group: Maximum number of posts by group. Permitted values: 0 (unlimited), number (maximum number).
  • number_by_topic: Maximum number of posts by topic. Permitted values: 0 (unlimited), number (maximum number).
  • age: Maximum age in days.
  • unread: Only unread posts. Permitted values: no (no), new (recent unread topics), all (all unread topics), replies (updated topics).
  • date: Date consulted. Permitted values: create (creation date), modify (last modification date).
  • sticky: Sticky topics. Permitted values: all (all topics), yes (only sticky topics), no (only not-sticky topics).
  • locked: Locked topics. Permitted values: all (all topics), yes (only locked topics), no (only unlocked topics).

For all other parameters of list there is no attribute in BBC. If any attribute not exists the value used is the value of predefined list or, if not exists, the default value, both defined in the administration panel.

The text between contentlatest begin and end tags will replaces the {TITLE} variable in the header of the list, if exists. Can be used the variables {TYPE}, {BOARDURL}, {SCRIPTURL}, {IMAGES_URL} and {DEFAULT_IMAGES_URL} (like in header).

Appearance of the list

By default the list has the style of current theme, but can be changed in the file style.css (SMF 1.1.x series) or css/index.css (SMF 2.x series) of theme copying the CSS rules of the block

/* BEGIN MOD ContentOfLatestPosts */
/* END MOD ContentOfLatestPosts */

before of the block and editing.


A list of each type:




An index of topics:


  • SMF 1.1 to 1.1.21.
  • SMF 2.0 to 2.0.18.
  • SMF 2.1 Beta 3 and RC1 to RC3.


  • english, english_british.
  • russian (incomplete).
  • spanish (SMF 1.1.x), spanish_es, spanish_latin.


Link to MOD




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

You are free to share and adapt this MOD. Also you can collaborate in different ways:

  • Write comments, detect errors or suggest improvements in support topics in English and in Spanish.
  • Translate the mod into other languages, adding the translation in support topics.
  • Help to expand my collection of coins, banknotes and stamps, sending me something from your country via postal mail (ask me for address by personal message).
  • Make a donation via PayPal.


Legend:   ! Fixed   + Added   - Removed   * Changed   @ Note

2.5.2   2021-02-25
! If the text of header begins with "https://" is also supposed to be the URL of an image.
! Attachment search.
! SMF 1.1.x: Use HTML entities in UTF-8 languages.
! SMF 2.0.x: Do not use HTML entities in ISO-8859-1 languages.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.16-2.0.18 and 2.1 RC3.

2.5.1   2019-05-11
! SMF 2.1.x: Use HTML 5.
! SMF 2.x: The Quick Search of the Administration Center look for in settings variables of MOD.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.1 RC1 to RC2.

2.5     2018-12-27
! Error in source code.
! SMF 1.1.x: Theme of the generic form of displaying lists.
* In Administration panel, the default values and the predefined lists are split.
+ Actions of Administration panel are logged to Administration log.
@ Administration log does not exists in SMF 1.1.x.
! SMF 2.1.x: Languages: Only UTF-8 languages are used.

2.4     2018-06-27
+ Upgrade code to the configuration variables from versions 2.3 to 2.4.
+ SMF 2.1.x: Uninstallation code to the configuration variables.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if show icon.
+ Fields in administration panel to indicate a different format when the content is displayed.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if are consulted posts with subject prefix.
* If the results are grouped by first character of subject, always is displayed the navigation bar with characters, whether or not there be content.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.21, 2.0.10-2.0.15 and 2.1 Beta 3.
- SMF 2.0.x: Languages: spanish, spanish-utf8 (these are not used).

2.3.2   2014-10-08
+ SMF 1.1.x: Implemented a generic form of displaying lists, similar to SMF 2.0.x.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.20 and 2.0.9.

2.3.1   2014-06-24
! Use HTML entities in ISO-8859-1 languages.
! Help.
+ Functions to get/update/delete data check the parameters before using them.
* Big multi-line text input fields are wider.
* Submit buttons have shortcut key to get focus.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.8.

2.3     2014-01-27
+ Upgrade code to the configuration variables from versions 2.1-2.2 to 2.3.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if is consulted first post of topics.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if are consulted replies of topics.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if are not consulted posts with subject prefix.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.7.

2.2     2013-12-21
! Error in source code.
! SMF 2.0.x: Functions of administration area must return settings variables for the Quick Search of the Administration Center.
+ SMF 2.0.x: The Quick Search of the Administration Center look for in settings variables of MOD.
! If posts are grouped by the first character of the subject and there are more than one list in a topic, links "Go to..." not work.
+ Variable in header of list to insert URL to forum folder.
* Reorganization of the fields in the administration panel.

2.1     2013-10-31
! There was a PHP error when the list of predefined lists was empty.
+ Upgrade code to the configuration variables from version 2.0.x to 2.1.
+ Possibility of grouping post by the first character of the subject.
* Rename value "yes" to "board" (by board) in BBC attribute "group" (group posts). "yes" is still supported for backward compatibility.
+ Value "character" (by first character of the subject) in BBC attribute "group" (group posts).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate the letters of group (if posts are grouped by first character of subject).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate the subject prefix which will not be take into account when grouping posts (if posts are grouped by first character of subject).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if show boards (if posts are not grouped by board).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if show subject (if content type is not subject).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if show poster.
+ Field in administration panel to indicate if show content (if content type is not all, post or subject).
+ Field in administration panel to indicate the posts order.
@ The BBC has many attributes and can not be added more.
* Navigation tree of boards is placed before subject.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.19 and 2.0.6.

2.0.1   2013-10-18
! SMF 2.0.x: Tab duplicate in settings area.

2.0     2013-10-17
@ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
! SMF 2.0.x: Integration hooks functions parameters must be passed by reference.
! Attached images resizable did not expand if were repeated in a topic.
+ Upgrade code to the configuration variables from version 1.x to 2.0.
* Allows to create any number of predefined lists in the administration panel.
+ Variable in header of list to insert web address of forum.
+ Variable in header of list to insert url to the images folder in the users current theme.
+ Variable in header of list to insert url to the images folder in the default theme.
+ Value "current" (current board) in BBC attribute "boards" (boards).
- Value "all" (unlimited) in BBC attributes "number_by_group" (maximum number of posts by group) and "number_by_topic" (maximum number of posts by topic). It is still supported for backward compatibility.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.5.

1.2.2   2013-04-10
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.18.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.4.
- SMF compatibility: Support to obsolete 1.0.x series and Beta and RC versions.

1.2.1   2012-12-22
+ SMF compatibility: 1.0.23.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.17.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.3.

1.2     2012-04-08
+ Field in administration panel and BBC attribute to indicate if results are grouped by board or not.
+ Field in administration panel and BBC attribute to indicate the maximum number of posts shown by group.
+ Field in administration panel and BBC attribute to indicate the maximum number of posts shown by topic.
+ Field in administration panel and BBC attribute to indicate if are consulted only unread posts.
+ Redirect to administration panel after install.

1.1.4   2011-12-24
+ SMF compatibility: 1.0.22.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.16.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.2.

1.1.3   2011-09-20
! Use of integration hook integrate_modify_modifications in SMF 2.0.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.15.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.1.

1.1.2   2011-06-22
! Maximum age in days is not rounded.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1.14.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.
* Uses integration hooks in SMF 2.0 RC4 and next.

1.1.1   2011-02-15
! Small adjustments to each version of SMF.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.0 RC1 to RC2 and 1.0 to 1.0.21.
+ SMF compatibility: 1.1 Beta 3 Public, RC1 to RC3 and 1.1 to 1.1.13.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0 Beta 3.1 Public and RC5.

1.1     2010-12-21
+ Field in administration panel to write a description of each list (default and predefined).
+ Field in administration panel to write a text to display if have not content.
+ Field in administration panel and BBC attribute to indicate if are consulted posts of child boards and until level.
+ Languages: russian, russian-utf8, thanks to Bugo.

1.0.2   2010-11-07
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0 Beta 4, RC1 to RC1.2 and RC4.
+ Languages: english_british, english_british-utf8 (copy of english).
+ Languages: spanish, spanish-utf8 (copy of spanish_es).
* Regular expression of links is used by SMF 2.0 RC4.

1.0.1   2010-05-28
! In administration panel, value of "BBC of the header" fields could not have tags with attributes quoted.

1.0     2010-05-26
+ Administration panel and BBC tag.
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0 RC2 to RC3.
+ Languages: english, english-utf8, spanish_es, spanish_es-utf8, spanish_latin, spanish_latin-utf8.
Manual installation info
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