Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
June 12, 2010, 10:59:23 AM
Last Updated
December 09, 2014, 12:48:22 AM

Guest Registration Notification v1.5.3

Displays a bordered box prompting guests with configurable messages and content.
Compatible With 2.0.9
Latest version v1.5.3
Downloads 7,772
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 39
License (View License)
Guest Registration Notification

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The Guest Registration Notification mod displays a red, bordered box in the index as default. There are also options to display these boxes in the board index or above posts. Configure the mod through the admin control panel. This mod is compatible for both SMF 1.1.x and SMF 2.0.

  • Enable/disable option
  • Editable content/title/display image
  • Supports BBC
  • Configurable to show in index (by default) also in board index and above posts
  • No file edits

Created by Anthony Calandra/Project Evolution - 2010.
Manual installation info
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