Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
July 22, 2010, 05:03:54 PM
Last Updated
June 25, 2015, 05:05:37 AM

Add or Remove buttons v0.4

Lets you choose which buttons to show
Compatible With 2.0 RC3, 2.0.10
Latest version v0.4
Downloads 5,197
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 10
License (View License)
This mod will add options to remove or display the buttons of your choice

The current buttons supported are as follows
Personal Messages

Version 0.4.
Fixed the other buttons, they had the same errors as the home button
nobody probably noticed since the buttons were not their to click
if a member stumbles on an action where you have disabled the button
for that action, it will not attempt to select that button as its
Added a lot more default to home actions, this mod should be completely
bug free now.

Version 0.3
The Home button bug is fixed, no more errors when disabling the home button.
I didn't add Admin or Moderate for obvious reasons.

I have not added any support for portals.
Manual installation info
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