Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
December 01, 2010, 05:05:09 PM
Last Updated
February 16, 2011, 06:30:28 PM

Logo Rotator 0.1 Beta 1 v0.1 Beta 2

Rotate logos randomly in your forum
Compatible With 2.0 RC4, 2.0 RC5
Latest version v0.1 Beta 2
Downloads 1,950
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 9
License (View License)
Logo Rotator

Created by DoctorMalboro.

It allows you to rotate the logo of your forum in default (curve) theme and it's variations.

How to make it work?
Go to Admin - Configuration - Modification Settings - Miscellaneous and check the Enable Logo Rotator option. Then, start filling the Logo Images option with the images (it can be external and internal images, example: myforum/forum/images/logo1.jpg or Save the options and see the image rotator working ;)


  • What size should the images have?
    It would be appropriate to be the same as the default SMF (curve) theme. My idea of an appropriate size would be 256x34. It depends on the theme you use.
  • How many images can i put?
    I recommend using your own host for your images, but if it's a free one, use some external host (ex. tinypic, imgur, photobucket, etc.)
  • I don't see any changes... why is that?
  • It doesn't seem to work in my theme... What can i do?
    Try using The Manual Installation of Mods.
  • It's impossible to adapt it... Why? :(
    I'm not a magician... if you can't adapt it, just post the name of the theme and the url of this. I will try to adapt it, but i won't promise you anything.
    If the theme is premium, ask support in the site or person you bought it from ;)


  • Lucas-Ruroken: For helping me with some minor things ::)


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