Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
December 26, 2010, 05:20:32 PM
Last Updated
October 01, 2011, 04:45:47 AM

Password Protect Boards v1.2a

Password Protect Boards for 2.0 Final
Compatible With 1.1.15, 2.0.1
Latest version v1.2a
Downloads 3,712
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 21
License (View License)
Password Protect Boards

Written by: Thantos
Updated by: Dragooon
Updated to SMF 2.0 by: Yağız...

This modification allows you to set a password on a per board basis.  Users will be required to enter the password on the board index prior to being able to view any of that board's content.

Administrators and Moderators on that board (global moderators included) are exempt from having to enter the password.

This modification does not protect child boards.

-Original Version
-Made password protection improvements
-Updated to SMF 2.0 RC4
-Fixed an XHTML error at BoardIndex
-Improved language strings
-Updated to SMF 2.0 Final

Please report all the bugs via the support thread.
9.27 KB
Manual installation info
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