Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 08, 2011, 04:39:42 PM
Last Updated
August 18, 2011, 09:48:00 AM

Profile Statuses v3.1

Profile Statuses enables members to post statuses for others to comment on. Locking/deleting also.
Compatible With 2.0 RC4, 2.0 RC5, 2.0
Latest version v3.1
Downloads 3,363
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 17
License (View License)
Profile Statuses Modification

Profile Statuses is an SMF modification which allows users to post statuses on their profiles and allow/dis-allow comments to be made on these statuses. This is a similar concept to the way IPB uses profile statuses.

**Portal Block also available** by aljo1985 aka star
UPDATE: Removed require ssi.php << Should now work without any modifications to the code.
Corrected Icons location
Download file and copy and paste the contents into a PHP block in your portal
If your using PortaMX remove the <?php from the top as it will not work.

status.txt - download

>> Live Demo <<

If updating please uninstall the previous version 1st but leave the database intact.

3.1 NEW change log
Found and fixed undefined index error.
Solved SSI.php warning error when installing.

3.0 NEW change log 17th Aug 2011
Edits by aljo1985 aka star

  • Fully functional
  • Added Member Member Color Link support
  • Added PM notifications
  • Mod is enabled on install. User now has to disable it in there profile -> forum profile
  • Fixed all Actions
  • Removed full reply box on view all comments
  • Added comment drop down on view all comments
  • comment counting has been corrected
  • Added post icon for statuses that are not locked
  • Fixed sort by on replies
  • unlock has now been enabled
  • no more scroll bars in status replies

2.3 Change log
  • Fixed two major bugs within first hour of release
  • Uses SMF's editor, with filtered BB codes
  • Removed an unnecessary query
  • Fixed a problem with showing a single status

Created by Project Evolution/Anthony`/Anthony Calandra.
Manual installation info
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