Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 31, 2011, 12:52:51 PM
Last Updated
July 15, 2014, 09:46:03 AM

MPITT - Move Poster Info To Top (VB Style) v1.2.1

Instead on the left, poster info will now be displayed on top of / above post like in VB style. ;)
Compatible With 2.0, 2.0.3, 2.0.8
Latest version v1.2.1
Downloads 1,632
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 9
License (View License)
MPITT - Move Poster Info To Top

1. Please do your own backup though every installation is backed up automatically.
2. This mod will try to reposition poster info to above post in a post page.
3. Previously it was called VB Styling as VB used to have that style in its post page.
4. This mod's code has been cleaned and updated recently to accommodate interested users.
5. Once installed, you can turn this mod on in your forum after installation as follows:
    a. Go to Admin CP > Configurations > Miscellaneous
    b. Select / tick Reposition Poster Info Above Post.
    c. Save your configuration.
6. You may also turn it off if you don't like or decided to adjust its css and code accordingly.
7. You can test it in lower SMF 2.0 version too as it should work just fine. ;)

Thank you for using it.

Yours friendly,
Abu Fahim Ismail.

BSD License. Feel free to modify accordingly but keep author's link if it is in there somewhere. ;)
2.73 KB
Manual installation info
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