Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
April 29, 2011, 05:55:45 PM
Last Updated
August 20, 2011, 06:20:25 PM

Board color and icons v1.1

Add icons and change board colors
Compatible With 2.0
Latest version v1.1
Downloads 4,439
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 15
License (View License)
Board Color and Icons

Live Demo (Look at color boards and icons.)


This simple mod will ligthen up your forums with some color and custom icons on your boards.
This is my 1st mod that I have created for SMF. I have great interest in modding SMF.

Initial Release
  • You can choose what color you would like each board to be
  • You can also add icons after the board name to represent what the board is,
    and make it more visual.
  • Icon width and height should be 18x18 pixels
  • Icon is a little larger, the image will automatically be resized!
  • Supports Child Board
  • Supports Redirect boards
  • Will also display Color and Icon on child boards
  • Shows board color and icons on the Stats Page
  • Pick and choose which boards can have colors and icons

Package Information
Version: 1.1
Package: Board colour and icons
Supports SMF 2.0

Need Help or have any suggestions for improvement??

If you need help with this modification, please don't hesitate to post in the support thread.

Also we welcome all feed back and improvements that can be made to this modification.
Manual installation info
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