Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
June 21, 2011, 09:04:10 PM
Last Updated
February 04, 2021, 03:49:41 PM

Child boards below topics v1.0

Moves child boards to below topic listing on message index
Compatible With 2.0.15
Latest version v1.0
Downloads 1,975
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 7
License (View License)
Child_boards_below_topics 1.0 (a slightly different look)
by Antechinus

This modification is coded for the 2.0 default theme only. Not coded for any other themes.
It will move the child boards from above the topic listing to below it.
The new location of the child boards will be just above the lower linktree and breadcrumbs/jumpto box.

Note that this only affects child boards as displayed on the message index. The main board index page is unaffected by this mod.
Manual installation info
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