Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
July 11, 2011, 01:41:28 PM
Last Updated
August 29, 2013, 07:38:53 PM

Delete emails v1.1

Delete(replace) emails of the content of topic or message, it show read rules or error message
Compatible With 2.0, 2.0.2, 2.0.4, 2.0.5
Latest version v1.1
Downloads 1,016
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 5
License (View License)

Delete email (Delete emails of the content of topic or message)

By @pacop

This mod delete(replace) the emails of topic or message. You can choose to show this message ("Emails are not allowed") in red color or show a link to rules("Emails are not allowed, read rules")

The link to rules should be defined in Admin>Configuration>Current Theme>Url of rules

Version Support
- SMF RC4 2.0
- SMF RC5 2.0
- SMF 2.0.1
- SMF 2.0.2
- SMF 2.0.3
- SMF 2.0.4
- SMF 2.0.5

Language Support
- English
- English-utf8
- Spanish_latin   
- Spanish_latin-utf8
- Spanish_es-utf8
- Spanish_es   

Este mod elimina(reemplaza) los emails de los temas o mensajes. Tu puedes elegir mostrar este mensaje en rojo ("Los emails no están permitidos") o mostrar un link hacia las reglas ("Los emails no están permitidos, lea las reglas")

El enlace hacia las reglas debería ser definido  en Administración>Configuración del foro>Tema actual>Url de las reglas

Versiones soportadas
- SMF RC4 2.0
- SMF RC5 2.0
- SMF 2.0.1
- SMF 2.0.2
- SMF 2.0.3
- SMF 2.0.4
- SMF 2.0.5

Lenguajes soportados
- English
- English-utf8
- Spanish_latin   
- Spanish_latin-utf8
- Spanish_es-utf8
- Spanish_es  
Manual installation info
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