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Package ID
First Created
October 15, 2011, 05:24:08 AM
Last Updated
August 31, 2021, 01:19:46 PM

Event Registration for SMF2 v2.26

Event Registration mod for SMF2
Compatible With 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.5
Latest version v2.26
Downloads 3,752
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 36
License (View License)
You can add event registration and confirmation to any calendar event.  Optional payment can be required on registration and/or confirmation using special "event" paid subscriptiosns in SMF.


  • You can select which member groups will be allowed to register for the event from any of your visible member groups - guests can't register.
  • You can specify whether an event requires confirmation or just registration
  • A maximum number of event attendants can be specified when creating the event. For events that require confirmation AND registration without payment, any number of people may register but registration will close when the maximum number of confirmed attendees is reached.
  • Each registrant can (optionally) register up to 20 other non-members (for example a family) during registration.  They are included in the total attendants for the event.
  • Optional payments (multiple choice) can be required for both registration and confirmation - the number can be edited up until the registration close date..
  • Optional event entry terms and conditions - which registrants have to agree to at registration.
  • You may specify the number of days prior to the event start date that registration, confirmation and/or payment close.
  • Provided they have not paid any event fee and event registration is still open, members can unregister/unconfirm.
  • Registrants can add a comment when registering (members of groups allowed to register can optionally be allowed to to view other's comments). Comments can be edited up to the registration close date.
  • Admins/mods AND the event creator (with event edit permissions) can PM, delete or confirm selected members from the list, can view comments and, if a paid event, the payment subscriptions used by each registrant, they can also download a spreadsheet containing all registrant details.

Events can be set up as:
No registration required - set the max. number of attendees to zero OR don't select any membergroup.
Registration only - clear "Requires confirmation" option and set registration fee to "No payment required".
Registration and confirmation with no fees required - select "Requires confirmation" and set BOTH event fees to "No payment required".
Registration with payment at confirmation - select "Requires confirmation", set registration event fee to "No payment required" and confirmation fee to one or more entry fees.
Registration, registration payment AND free confirmation - select "Requires confirmation", set the confirmation fee to "No payment required" and select one or more registration entry fees.
Registration, registration payment and confirmation payment - select "Requires confirmation" and select both registration AND confirmation fees (registration payment fee could be used as a deposit for an event with the remainder being paid at confirmation).

Event fees are set up as normal SMF "Paid Subscriptions" - this mod adds an "event" checkbox option in all paid subscriptions that identifies these Paid Subscriptions as being for events (note that the subscription duration must be set such that it expires AFTER the event date).  Event subscriptions don't show in the list of paid subscriptions that members see - they are only visible during event fee payment.  Once a fee has been paid the member cannot unregister or unconfirm (an event organiser or admins/mods with calendar edit permissions can de-register any member but would need to handle subscription removal and payment refunds for pay events.).


  • English and English utf8
  • Dutch and Dutch utf8
  • French and French utf8

Required SMF Settings:

  • The calendar must be enabled in the admin control panel.
  • "Show linked events in topic display" must be enabled in the Calender section.
  • Event registration is only available for events that are linked to forum posts.

Added multiple attendee registration and edit options.
corrected paid reg logic
now allows T&C's and comments on paid registration events
only members of groups allowed to register can (optionally) see comments
Added option to allow comments to be viewable by any registered user (not guests)
added comment edit
display was showing unpaid registrants as paid even though event did not reqiure payment
uft8 language support added
Fixed french translation errors
Now allows comments on paid registration events
Registrant list shows name of any subscription that was paid

Manual installation info
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