Additional Info |
Package ID
First Created
November 24, 2011, 05:42:54 PM
Last Updated
December 18, 2023, 05:54:46 PM
|{ID}{ID}&{Parameters}{ID}{ID}[ID][ID][channel name]/[ID][ID][ID]
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1.2.15 - Dec 18, 2023
- Fix setting for allowFullScreen
- Don't need to parse new lines and spaces
- Add phpunit tests
1.2.14 - May 06, 2023
- Remove imgur support
- Fix correctly displaying smileys after posting a video
- Use curl to make request to vimeo for getting the oembed info.
1.2.13 - April 08, 2022
- Add min screen size setting
1.2.12 - Feb 13, 2022
- Remove jQuery dependency
- Add support for ECMAScript 2015
1.2.11 - May 07, 2020
- Add French translation, thanks to BrunoR
- Correctly delete language files
1.2.10 - March 10, 2019
- Add Polish translation, thanks to jsx and FishingManMatt
- Correctly delete language files on uninstall
- Spanish word corrections
1.2.9 - March 12, 2017
- Fix the "/>" appearing on autoembed
- Fix support for gifv
- Add a link to the video if JavaScript is disabled
1.2.8 - Oct 25, 2016
- Improve regex for gifv and youtube urls.
- Pass the ID when using url auto parsing, prevents using another regex to get it.
- Use global scope inside closures.
1.2.7 - Aug 12, 2016,
- Set basedWidth and basedHeight to prevent weird behavior on non responsive themes.
1.2.6 - May 29, 2016,
- Add support for full screen videos.
- Remove multiple calls to this.responsive().
- Check the width and height of parent div before applying changes.
1.2.5 - February 18, 2016,
- Added support for imgur gifv format
- Move the css and js calls to integrate_load_theme hook.
1.2.4 - August 2, 2015,
- Added responsiveness to videos. This will only work on responsive themes.
- Fixed an issue when two or more instances of the same video where posted, none of them would be played.
- Re-wrote the JS code to use prototypes.
- Change the default size values to 480 x 270.
1.2.3 - June 26, 2015,
- Added a minified js file.
- Added support for using the youtube ID as param.
- License change to MPL 2.0.
1.2.2 - April 05, 2015,
- Force loading the oharaEmbed.css file from the default theme.
- Add more options to show video preview images
- Add support for previewing a message
- Improve handling of youtube thumbnails and overall JS improvements.
- Add a setting to enable/disable the autoembed feature. This was suppose to be added a long time ago but dunno why I forgot to do it...
- Missed to check the master setting.
1.2.1 - March 09, 2015,
- Added the option to disable the autoembed feature via $context['ohara_disable'].
- Use closures instead of create_function()
- Change the way youtube videos are displayed, faster pages specially with multiple videos, thanks to Infernuza for the tip.
1.2 - March 05, 2014,
- Added auto-embed feature.
- Add support for old [nobbc][yt][/yt][/nobbc] tags
- Add support for [nobbc][vimeo][/vimeo][/nobbc]
1.1 - April 19, 2013,
- Fix the http/https url issue.
- Fixed the parsing smiles after a video issue.
- Fixed the pass by reference issue.
- Updated the regex to include more valid urls.
1.0.1 - Dic 28, 2011,
-Fix the youtube redirect page error if you use the initial tag alone: [youtube]
1.0 - Sep 25, 2011,
-Initial Release