Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
November 24, 2011, 05:42:54 PM
Last Updated
December 18, 2023, 05:54:46 PM

Ohara YouTube Embed v1.2.15

You Tube and Vimeo BBC tag
Compatible With 2.0.19
Latest version v1.2.15
Downloads 21,141
Reviews 1
Rating 5/5
Subscribers 54
License Mozilla Public License 2.0 (View License)
Ohara YouTube Embed
Author: Suki

When installing make sure to mark the "Install in Other Themes" checkbox.


For SMF 2.0.x only

Version 1.2.x and above requires PHP 7.0 or greater and ECMAScript 2015 or greater

You can auto-embed any valid youtube or vimeo urls and the mod will automatically convert them to videos.

This mod will also add a BBC tag:  [youtube][/youtube], [gifv][/gifv] and [vimeo][/vimeo]  where you can post your youtube or vimeo urls and it will be converted to a video directly in the message.

You can enable/disable the mod as well as set the width and height for the videos, currently the mod support the following youtube and vimeo urls:{ID}{ID}&{Parameters}{ID}{ID}[ID][ID][channel name]/[ID][ID][ID]


This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at


- Admin->Configuration->Modifications


- English/utf8
- Spanish_latin/utf8
- Spanish_es/utf8
- Polish/utf8

1.2.15 - Dec 18, 2023
- Fix setting for allowFullScreen
- Don't need to parse new lines and spaces
- Add phpunit tests

1.2.14 - May 06, 2023
- Remove imgur support
- Fix correctly displaying smileys after posting a video
- Use curl to make request to vimeo for getting the oembed info.

1.2.13 - April 08, 2022
- Add min screen size setting

1.2.12 - Feb 13, 2022
- Remove jQuery dependency
- Add support for ECMAScript 2015

1.2.11 - May 07, 2020
- Add French translation, thanks to BrunoR
- Correctly delete language files

1.2.10 - March 10, 2019
- Add Polish translation, thanks to jsx and FishingManMatt
- Correctly delete language files on uninstall
- Spanish word corrections

1.2.9 - March 12, 2017
- Fix the "/>" appearing on autoembed
- Fix support for gifv
- Add a link to the video if JavaScript is disabled

1.2.8 - Oct 25, 2016
- Improve regex for gifv and youtube urls.
- Pass the ID when using url auto parsing, prevents using another regex to get it.
- Use global scope inside closures.

1.2.7 - Aug 12, 2016,
- Set basedWidth and basedHeight to prevent weird behavior on non responsive themes.

1.2.6 - May 29, 2016,
- Add support for full screen videos.
- Remove multiple calls to this.responsive().
- Check the width and height of parent div before applying changes.

1.2.5 - February 18, 2016,
- Added support for imgur gifv format
- Move the css and js calls to integrate_load_theme hook.

1.2.4 - August 2, 2015,
- Added responsiveness to videos. This will only work on responsive themes.
- Fixed an issue when two or more instances of the same video where posted, none of them would be played.
- Re-wrote the JS code to use prototypes.
- Change the default size values to 480 x 270.

1.2.3 - June 26, 2015,
- Added a minified js file.
- Added support for using the youtube ID as param.
- License change to MPL 2.0.

1.2.2 - April 05, 2015,
- Force loading the oharaEmbed.css file from the default theme.
- Add more options to show video preview images
- Add support for previewing a message
- Improve handling of youtube thumbnails and overall JS improvements.
- Add a setting to enable/disable the autoembed feature. This was suppose to be added a long time ago but dunno why I forgot to do it...
- Missed to check the master setting.

1.2.1 - March 09, 2015,
- Added the option to disable the autoembed feature via $context['ohara_disable'].
- Use closures instead of create_function()
- Change the way youtube videos are displayed, faster pages specially with multiple videos, thanks to Infernuza for the tip.

1.2 - March 05, 2014,
- Added auto-embed feature.
- Add support for old [nobbc][yt][/yt][/nobbc] tags
- Add support for [nobbc][vimeo][/vimeo][/nobbc]

1.1 - April 19, 2013,
- Fix the http/https url issue.
- Fixed the parsing smiles after a video issue.
- Fixed the pass by reference issue.
- Updated the regex to include more valid urls.

1.0.1 - Dic 28, 2011,
-Fix the youtube redirect page error if you use the initial tag alone: [youtube]

1.0 - Sep 25, 2011,
-Initial Release
25.10 KB v1.2.15 2.0.19
Manual installation info
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Scooter Trash • May 05, 2022, 06:00:40 PM • 5/5
One of the few mods that I use. SO nice!