Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
December 05, 2011, 09:06:57 PM
Last Updated
January 03, 2012, 08:37:37 PM

User Agreement Update v1.0.3

Providing a fully re-written system for both modifying and controlling the user agreement.
Compatible With 2.0.1, 2.0.2
Latest version v1.0.3
Downloads 1,880
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 20
License (View License)
Brief Summary:

User Agreement Update provides a fully re-written system for both modifying and controlling the user agreement.

Allowing you to force (all|groups|members) to re-accept the user agreement before continuing to browse the forum, with two different modes (strict|relaxed), or the ability to turn off requiring members to re-accept at all.

The interface has a lot of jQuery implemented for the best experience possible, along with CSS3 for some extra styling benefits.

Multilingual support was achieved with some very nice results.


  • Parse BBC
  • Display Smileys
  • Modify User Agreement
  • Change Language
  • Restore To:
    • Latest Revision (restores to last save)
    • Default (restores to default agreement)
  • Show and Require
  • Require Re-Agreement - When the user agreement is updated should members have to re-accept it?
  • Member Mode - Strict: Members must accept before doing anything. Relaxed: Members can browse topics, but not access any actions.
  • Bypass Groups (Primary & Post-based) - Select groups that do not have to re-accept the user agreement.
  • Bypass Member(s) - Members that do not have to re-accept the user agreement.
  • FULLY Multilingual
  • CSS3 & jQuery Implementation


v1.0.3 (r1.3.12):

  • !enhancement: file heading modified. (all package files).
  • !enhancement: hacking attempt typo corrected. (!uau_source/)
  • !enhancement: $smcFunc['strtolower'](); utilized for group colours. (!uau_source/Subs-Handler.php)
  • !bugfix: "regular" membergroup added to $membergroups in loadMemberGroups(); (!uau_source/Subs-Handler.php, !uau_language/Handler.english.php)
  • !enhancement: globals split into two lines (!HandlerFunc [uau_source/Handler.php])
  • !bugfix: jQuery is only loaded if not previously loaded. (!uau_source/Handler.php x 2)
  • !bugfix: json_encode(); replaced with utf8_encode();. (!uau_source/Handler.php)
  • !enhancement: inline CSS coding style updated. (!uau_source/Handler.php)

v1.0.2 (r12.12.11):

  • !enhancement: long string of globals separated into two lines.

    • File: ./resources/Handler.php
    • Function: HandlerFunc();
  • !bugfix: readme now includes PHP requirement for json_encode(); and json_decode(); (PHP >= 5.2.0)
  • !enhancement: various readme.txt changes.


  • Icon Set: Fugue-Icons
  • Written by: Labradoodle-360
  • Copyright: Matthew Kerle - All Rights Reserved
  • Dedicated To: LILM, my family, and Scotty Edward Johnson.

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