Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 11, 2012, 02:05:27 PM
Last Updated
October 21, 2015, 02:12:05 PM

Add & Create Social Media Icons To Profiles v1.2.0

Add Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Youtube, etc. Plus add custom icons, as well
Compatible With 1.1.18, 1.1.19, 2.0.7, 2.0.8
Latest version v1.2.0
Downloads 26,508
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 116
License (View License)
Add & Create Social Media Icons To Profiles

For suggestions, feedback, and support please use the MOD's support topic.

Current Release:  v1.2.0
     ((any previous versions need to be uninstalled before installing 1.2.0)) 

Compatible with SMF 2 versions : 2.0.XX
Compatible with SMF 1 versions : 1.1.19  ( maybe previous 1.1.xx versions, haven't tested.

Adds Social Media links to member profiles: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Youtube, DevianArt, Pinterest.
[NEW!] Add Custom Icons to align seamlessly with default Social Media icons. (( for SMF2 ONLY! )) Click Here for more info.

Advanced Profile Fields must be activated under 'Core Features' for this Mod to work.

By Default, This Modification allows your members to add the following Social Media sites to their Profile:


Note on Images:
QuoteAll images are uploaded to each Theme's /images folder as .png images.  If you prefer your own images, just upload and overwrite the images originally installed

This Modification is compatible with Ultimate Profiles and Default profiles.


Advanced Profile Fields must be activated under 'Core Features' for this Mod to work.Social Media Icons will be displayed on the following pages :

-Ultimate Profile
-Display page (mini profiles)
-Personal Messaging (mini profiles)

Admin Settings (optional)*
Admin > Configuration > Features & Options > Profile Fields
Admin settings to Activate/Deactivate which to allow members to modify ( All on by default)
Admin settings to select which to show on new member Registration (All off by default)
[NEW!] Add Custom Icons to align seamlessly with default Social Media icons. (( for SMF2 ONLY! )) Click Here for more info.


Social Media Icons will be displayed on the following pages :

-Display page (mini profiles)
-Default Profile
-Ultimate Profile
-Personal Messaging (mini profiles)

*No Admin settings are required from installation.  Just install the Modification, and members can update these settings under: Profile > Modify Profile > Forum Profile

This Package ONLY makes edits to the SMF Default Curve theme.  Any other themes will require custom edits to the same files listed for the 'default' theme.

No copyright links are added to any footer pages.

Submitted Language Modifications are appreciated

$txt['smi_buddies_title'] = 'Social Networks';
$txt['smi_facebook_title'] = 'Facebook';
$txt['smi_facebook_desc'] = 'Input your Facebook username.';
$txt['smi_myspace_title'] = 'MySpace';
$txt['smi_myspace_desc'] = 'Input your MySpace username.';
$txt['smi_twitter_title'] = 'Twitter';
$txt['smi_twitter_desc'] = 'Input your Twitter username.';
$txt['smi_youtube_title'] = 'Youtube';
$txt['smi_youtube_desc'] = 'Input your Youtube username.';
$txt['smi_deviantart_title'] = 'DeviantArt';
$txt['smi_deviantart_desc'] = 'Input your DeviantArt username.';
$txt['smi_googleplus_title'] = 'Google+';
$txt['smi_googleplus_desc'] = 'Input your Google+ User ID.';
$txt['smi_linkedin_title'] = 'LinkedIn';
$txt['smi_linkedin_desc'] = 'Copy & Paste your LinkedIn profile link.';

Language Contributions.  ( thank you to all for your support )
hungarian - novill
italian - etms52
serbian-latin - Zuća
spanish - emueses
portuguese - Joomlamz
turkish - tusuka

Change Log

Removed Guests viewing of Social Icons in posts & profiles
Custom Social Links now open in new tabs/windows when clicked
Fixed alignment issues when default icons were not used

Added admin settings to add their own Custom Social Media icons to display with default icons - SMF2 ONLY
Removed display from Buddies & Who's Online page

! Fixed bug where Icons not activated were displaying on Display & Who Online pages.
Added language support for:  turkish

Pinterest Integrated
SMF 1.1.xx added Personal Message & Ultimate Profile Compatibility.
Added language support for:  portuguese

Added language support for:  hungarian, italian, serbian-latin, spanish

LinkedIn Integrated
Added 1.1.xx Compatibility

Added Admin settings to Activate/Deactivate which to allow members to modify ( All on by default)
Added Admin settings to select which to show on new member Registration (All off by default)

Error fixed with Icons not displaying in Edit Buddies page with Ultimate Profiles installed.

Fixed bug with Google+ not being added to database
Completely revamped file edits in modification file
Removed unnecessary language edits for Ultimate Profile
Next update release will be Upgrade compatible.

Google+ Integrated

-First Release

This mod is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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