Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
January 11, 2012, 11:15:54 PM
Last Updated
April 19, 2012, 10:35:26 AM

Ignore Regular Member Group Permissions v1.0.0

Adds the option to ignore Regular member group permissions
Compatible With 2.0.2
Latest version v1.0.0
Downloads 1,024
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 2
License (View License)
With this option enabled, the permissions from the Regular Members group will be ignored when a member's permissions are set up  and post count groups in enabled . Conversely, if permissions for post count groups is not enabled, then the permissions from the post count groups will be ignored.

Before enabling this option. Do ensure that permissions are set for all of the post count groups.

V1.0.0 - Initial release.
V1.1.0 - Fixed a major bug when a user is logged out. It is recommended that the previous version be uninstalled and replaced with this version.

This modification is released under a BSD license, a copy of it with its provisions is included with the package.

Manual installation info
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